Diablo 4 will have players cutting through dozens if not hundreds of enemies with tons of gold and loot dropping throughout it all. Any battle can get very chaotic, and players won't want to lose out on all the loot just because the enemies won't stop coming.

One way players can make sure they don't miss out on gold or materials is by using a pet, which players can get fairly easily. Pets act completely on their own, and don't engage with the enemy and are also ignored by them. Here's how to get a pet for those wanting a faithful companion.

Diablo 4: Best Changes Made By The Loot Reborn Update

Season 4 has brought some great changes to Diablo 4. Here are some of the best ones.

How To Get & Use A Pet In Diablo 4

Logging into Diablo 4 after the update that adds pets will automatically give players a Priority Quest called Faithful Companion. Located in the western section of Kyovashad will be the quest marker leading players to a Well Behaved Dog. Interacting with the dog will have the player befriend the dog and have it added to their wardrobe and complete the quest. Next, head into the building right next to the dog and access to a wardrobe.

Interact with the Wardrobe and scroll to the far right menu labeled Pets. Here, players can equip their newly earned pet, with them being fully equipped after selecting the Confirm Look button at the bottom of the screen. Pets will run around and pick up gold and crafting materials for the player whenever they drop and will travel to any dropped item just off-screen from the player or nearby, such as Aberrant Cinders in Diablo 4.

Your pet will move fast and will need to go to each item to pick it up, but it will move much faster than any player on foot. Getting on your horse will make your pet disappear, and they won't pick up any dropped items until you dismount. Pets aren't able to open containers, chests, or pick flowers of any kind, but will pick up materials from these containers after the player initially interacts with them.

Diablo 4: All Iron Wolf Reputation Rewards

The Iron Wolf Rewards are at the center of Diablo 4's Season 4 Loot Reborn rewards; here are all the rewards players can get.

How To Get More Pets In Diablo 4

The Pre Order Screen For The Vessel Of Hatred

At the moment, there are four pets for players to get. The first and only free one is obtained by completing the Faithful Companion quest. All other pets are obtained by pre-ordering the Vessel of Hatred DLC. Different pets are more like skins in that they don't act any differently, with other pets just looking different on screen.

Vessel Of Hatred Edition

Pets Included


  • Alkor


  • Alkor
  • Hratli


  • Alkor
  • Hratli
  • Natalya
diablo 4
Diablo 4

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June 6, 2023