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Unique items provide some of the strongest game-changing character effects in Diablo 4. They're similar to legendary items in many ways, except they always come with a predetermined set of affixes and bespoke powers that only they can use. Uniques aren't necessary to make strong builds, but having one or more can drastically boost a player's power.

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The Eyes in the Dark Unique Chest Piece for Rogues in Diablo 4 revolves around turning the Death Trap Ultimate into a potent elite killer. It has a very niche use case, but it's amazing at the singular job it's meant to do. Here's how to get this rare item as well as a brief explainer on what it actually does.

How to Get the Eyes in the Dark Unique Armor

Diablo 4 Eyes in the Dark Unique Rogue armor

It's important to preface this by saying that as of Patch 1.0.3, the drop rates for Unique items in Diablo 4 are terribly small. The Eyes in the Dark has a minuscule chance of dropping from any valid loot source, whether it be Resplendent Chests, Tortured Gift Chests, or ordinary mobs around the world. Unique items will only drop on World Tier 3 and above.

There's currently no way to target farm Uniques, but there is a way to increase the odds of getting Chest Armor to drop. Spiders and Beasts (Chargers, Werewolves, etc.) have a higher chance of dropping Chest Armor compared to other enemy types. Both of these monster classes can be typically found around the Fractured Peaks and Scosglen, so it's best to roam around these areas and hunt these enemies down during a Helltide.

If there are no Helltides active, players should farm Nightmare Dungeons. They have a better chance of dropping Sacred or Ancestral gear compared to normal overworld dungeons. This won't increase the odds of getting Uniques, but it'll at least increase the odds of getting one that has good stats. Blind Burrows is especially good for farming chest pieces since it's full of spiders.

What Does Eyes in the Dark Do?

Diablo 4 Death Trap

The Eyes in the Dark chest piece makes Death Trap trigger continuously until it hits a boss or player, or until it kills an enemy. Since normal monsters die very quickly while inside Death Trap's radius, this Unique's effects are best used against groups of elites and high-health minions or packs of monsters protected by a Damage Reduction Aura.

Players should avoid placing Death Trap down when common enemies are mixed in an elite pack as their deaths will cancel out Eyes in the Dark's effect. On top of that, the Unique item also increases Death Trap's cooldown, further putting an emphasis on the proper use of the ability.

Death Trap will only stop rearming itself if it scores the final hit on an enemy. Players can make it trigger continuously if they get the last hit on monsters using other skills before Death Trap does.

Diablo 4 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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