The world of Sanctuary expanded mightily in the second title of the Diablo franchise. While the original game had already hooked players with its gameplay and the wonderfully dark world surrounding Tristram, the sequel brought along crafting and other more mature gameplay mechanics. One of Blizzard's notable inventions in Diablo was the magical transmutation device, the Horadric Cube.

Although socketing items with runes and gems was exciting, the real magic happened with the Horadric Cube. This feature allowed players to create new items from reagents and uncover the secrets of this mysterious device of Horadrim origin. While Blizzard has decided to forgo Horadric Cube since Diablo 2, the magic has been retained by the introduction of the spiritual successor in Kanai's Cube.

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Introducing the Horadric Cube in Diablo 2

Using the Horadric Cube in Diablo 2.

The Horadric Cube wasn't simply a crafting or cooking item that could be found in other role-playing games. Those would allow the creation of simple items with appropriate ingredients, like turning wood and metal into an arrow. Instead, in addition to regular items, players could use the magic of Horadric Cube in Diablo 2 to transmute items into new ones with unearthly properties.

The cube allowed a total of 12 item slots, which would limit the number of items it could contain. Even with the restrictions on slots, the combinations were nearly unlimited. While hundreds of different types of weapons, armor, gems, runes, and other items could be inserted, only a tiny portion of the combinations would result in a new item. What made it even more exciting was that it allowed the creation of equipment with random properties. This meant that players could recycle items again and again in the hopes of creating something truly powerful. In essence, it offered players a gambling mechanic that was less predatory than what Diablo Immortal offers.

The Comeback of the Horadric Cube in Diablo 4?

diablo 4 rune examples in development
Examples of Diablo 4 runes. Effect Runes and Condition Runes. Not final versions.

Blizzard has revealed that the franchise will be returning to its popular Diablo 2 roots in the upcoming title. While much of this is artistic and story-driven change, Blizzard also revealed that runes and runewords from Diablo 2 are being reintroduced. This makes it very possible that Horadric Cube could make a comeback. Furthermore, Blizzard has confirmed that runes have a dual nature. Some runes are going to be conditional and others effective, increasing the way runes could interact with other items in Horadric recipes.

The Horadric Cube was hugely influential in Diablo 2, but it could be an even more integral part of Diablo 4's lore. The device was introduced mid-game and wasn't required in much of the game's storyline. If Blizzard indeed brings the Cube back, it could be integrated into the core of the main quest line.

In terms of the lore, the Horadric Cube could be one of the more important touching points with the brotherhood of Horadrim, as the Horadric scholar Deckard Cain died in Diablo 3. In addition to Lilith making a comeback, other core Diablo characters are likely to assume important roles in the upcoming title. One of them could be one of the founders of Horadrim and the creator of the first cube, Zoltun Kulle.

Combining the Powers of the Horadric Cube and Kanai's Cube

diablo horadric cube crafting

Blizzard introduced a new crafting item called Kanai's Cube in Diablo 3. In the lore, it is the original version of Horadrim's magical cubes. However, Blizzard didn't take full advantage of the possibilities and Kanai's Cube lost some of the Horadric Cube's mysteriousness. While the lore explains that Kanai's Cube is the more powerful one with potentially disastrous consequences, it doesn't live up to its potential in-game.

A cube is likely to be included in the latest iteration of Diablo in one form or another. At this point, it is unclear if Horadric or Kanai's Cube is reintroduced, or if a completely new cube is added. While Blizzard has revealed microtransactions and post-release plans, it has yet to talk much about the crafting system. One possibility is that Deckard will live on by Blizzard giving him a Horadric Cube of his own. After all, he was the last of the Horadrim. This would allow Blizzard to create a new storyline surrounding the newly added cube with powers that could expand over its predecessors.

Diablo 4 is scheduled to release in 2023 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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