Table of contents

There are 20 "extremely rare monsters" in Diablo 4's open world, and players will need to slay 15 of them if they hope to complete the Trophy Hunter Challenge and claim the associated titles. There is also some special loot to be obtained from these Elites, further incentivizing fans to track them down and defeat them. For those players that would like to find all the unique Elites in Diablo 4, this guide details their locations and the items that they drop.

To note, the vast majority of items in Diablo 4 seem to have a maximum possible Item Power of around 820. However, the items that come from extremely rare monsters buck that trend, as they are able to drop at 840 Item Power and above. While this may not be extremely significant, as the items do not seem to be particularly powerful, some players may still find applications for this high-Item Power loot.

One final thing to mention is that while the loot that comes from unique Elites always have the same types of stats, the values of those stats are randomized for each drop. As such, this guide only provides information about the types of stats that can appear on these items, as the precise values will vary from one item to the next.

Diablo 4: Extremely Rare Monster Locations

Lord Eonan

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Deep Forest (Scosglen)
  • Drop: Blood-Cursed Band Ring (Shadow Resistance, Poison Resistance, Damage for 4 Seconds After Picking Up a Blood Orb, Blood Orb Healing, Damage to Close Enemies)

Garbhan Ennai

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: The Downs (Scosglen)
  • Drop: Manhunter's Breeches (While Injured Potion Also Grants Movement Speed, Ranks of Rabies, Damage for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite, Healing Received)

Blind Odwyn

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: The Shrouded Moors (Scosglen)
  • Drop: Blind Man's Bell Amulet (Resistance to All Elements, Control Impaired Duration Reduction, Damage Reduction while Injured, Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite)

Gaspar Stilbian

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Highland Wilds (Scosglen)
  • Drop: Outcast's Handwraps (Rank of Incinerate, Fire Damage Over Time, Lucky Chance: Chance to Slow)


diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: The Scarred Coast (Dry Steppes)
  • Drop: Infernal Edge Two-Hand Sword (Critical Strike Damage, All Stats, Damage to Injured Enemies, Lucky Hit: Chance to Execute Non-Injured Elites)

Bhotak the Inevitable

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Khargai Crags (Dry Steppes)
  • Drop: Necklace of Inevitability (Resistance to All Elements, Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies, Damage Reduction while Injured, Healing Received)

Pitiless Gur

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Chambatar Ridge (Dry Steppes)
  • Drop: Gur's Freezing Chest Armor (Cold Damage, Cold Resistance, Thorns)

Zarozar the Mighty

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Untamed Scarps (Dry Steppes)
  • Drop: Bloodspiller's Helm (Damage While Berserking, Ranks of Rupture, Life on Kill)


diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Pallid Glade (Fractured Peaks)
  • Drop: Ring of Splintered Wood (Lightning Resistance, Poison Resistance, Critical Strike Chance, Poison Damage, Damage to Close Enemies)

Sir Lynna

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Frigid Expanse (Fractured Peaks)
  • Drop: Darkblade Sword (Critical Strike Damage, Shadow Damage, Damage to Affected By Shadow Over Time Damage Enemies, Lucky Hit: Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites)

Corlin Hule

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Seat of the Heavens (Fracture Peaks)
  • Drop: Staff of Elemental Command (Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies, Fire Damage, Lightning Damage, Cold Damage)

"Wrathful" Osgar Reede

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Pallid Glade (Fractured Peaks)
  • Drop: Mace of Blazing Furor (Overpower Damage, Damage to Burning Enemies, Damage while Berserking, Overpower Damage)


diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Amber Sands (Kehjistan)
  • Drop: Wand of Abe-Mari (Lucky Hit Chance, Intelligence, Damage to Distant Enemies, Ultimate Skill Damage)

Faraya Tehi

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Amber Sands (Kehjistan)
  • Drop: Grotesque Loop Ring (Cold Resistance, Poison Resistance, Barrier Generation, Fortify Generation, Life on Kill)


diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Ragged Coastline (Kehjistan)
  • Drop: Broodmother's Stinger Dagger (Damage to Close Enemies, Poison Damage, Damage Over Time, Damage to Healthy Enemies)


diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Southern Expanese (Kehjistan)
  • Drop: Qin's Captivating Eye Focus (Cooldown Reduction, Lucky Hit Chance, Lucky Hit: Chance to Slow, Crowd Control Duration)

Renn Dayne & Claudia Dayne

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Dismal Foothills (Hawezar)
  • Drop: Haunted Crossbow (Vulnerable Damage, Shadow Damage, Core Skill Damage, Damage to Close Enemies)


diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Rotspill Delta (Hawezar)
  • Drop: Eye of Enkil Amulet (Resistance to All Elements, Crowd Control Duration, Damage for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite, Shrine Buff Duration)

Trembling Mass

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Fethis Wetlands (Hawezar)
  • Drop: Trembling Ring (Cold Resistance, Lightning Resistance, Maximum Life, Life on Kill, Life Regeneration while Not Damaged Recently)

Captain Willcocks

diablo 4 extremely rare elite locations
  • Location: Blightmarsh (Hawezar)
  • Drop: Captain's Ragged Boots (Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown, Slow Duration Reduction, Poison Resistance)

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.