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One of the main draws for Diablo 4 players is the potential of finding rare and powerful gear while exploring Sanctuary and tackling its dungeons. Of all the possible loot drops in the game, unique quality gear is the rarest, and among this category there are six super rare items considered to be the rarest of the rare. Prior to Diablo 4 lead class designer Adam Jackson revealing these six items and confirming their existence on Twitter, many players thought they were a myth due to how rare they were.

After this revelation, Diablo 4 players were eager to uncover these "chase" items in-game, as they became the most highly sought-after items with many players wanting to be the first to discover them. These unique items only drop from enemies at level 85+, which are best farmed from Tier 31+ Nightmare Dungeons on World Tier 4, meaning players won't even have the chance to find them until very late in the game. In recent weeks, all six of these items have been discovered in-game, and thus, the hunt for Diablo 4's most elusive items has ended.

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Harlequin Crest (Shako)


Perhaps the most infamous super rare unique, the Harlequin Crest, also referred to as the Shako in reference to Diablo 2, was actually the first of these items to be discovered. The Shako was found in Diablo 4 only a few days after the game's launch by a member of Korean Diablo streamer drlee_kor's community. The discovery was later confirmed on Twitter by Diablo 4's global community director Adam Fletcher who assured fans that the Harlequin Crest had indeed been found in-game.

What makes the Harlequin Crest so desirable aside from just its rarity is the fantastic affixes it comes with that can really power up a build in the late game. It grants the wearer 1025 Armor, +732-1359 Max Life, +4.4-10.0 percent Cooldown Reduction, +5.0-12.0 percent Resource Generation, and +20-28 All Stats. Additionally, its unique affix gives players an additional +10.0-20.0 percent Damage Reduction as well as a whopping +4 to all Skills, making it an extremely versatile helm for any build.

Andariel's Visage


Despite the discovery of the Shako coming shortly after the launch of Diablo 4, the rest of these ultra-rare uniques remained undiscovered until quite recently. The next to be found was the helm Andariel's Visage, which was found shortly after the confirmation by Adam Jackson that the items do indeed exist in-game. Diablo 4 player Lithie was the one who made this discovery and showed it off during Polish streamer NadinWins' broadcast to a crowd of astonished viewers.

Like the Shako, Andariel's Visage is another near universally useful helm with a series of affixes intended to greatly increase the survivability of the wearer. Aside from giving the player 1025 Armor, its affixes include 4.4-10.0 percent Attack Speed, +24.5-45.5 percent Poison resistance, +10-18 All Stats, and +1.3-2.0 percent Life Steal. The unique affix on Andariel's Visage gives the wearer a Lucky Hit chance to trigger Poison Nova, dealing 10,077 Poison damage over 5 seconds which can easily sap the life of enemies and restore the wearer's health with its Life Steal affix.

The Grandfather


Only a few days after Andariel's Visage was discovered, the next of the super rare uniques was discovered by Necromancer from China and a screenshot of the item was posted to Reddit to confirm its existence. The unique item in question is The Grandfather, arguably one of the best weapons in the game, making it an amazing late-game find for this lucky player. The Grandfather seems to have dropped from a random event chest during a Helltide, and it featured decent stats despite player complaints about Diablo 4's current stat rolling system.

The Grandfather is a two-handed sword that can be utilized by any Diablo 4 class and makes for a fantastic weapon when trying to maximize damage output. It also comes with some great affixes which include 1987-2981 Damage per Hit (1.0 hits per second), +35 percent Crit Damage, +28-56 percent All Damage, +1463-2717 Max Life, +40-72 All Stats, and the ability to ignore durability loss. Additionally, it has a unique affix that further boosts crit damage by +60-100 percent, and has a special property that gives the other affixes on the weapon to roll higher than normal.

RELATED: The Pros and Cons of Diablo 4's Super Rare Unique Items

Ring of Starless Skies


The final three super rare uniques all were found in fairly quick succession with the Ring of the Starless Skies appearing first to be claimed by a sub-Level 60 Necromancer from a Tier 31 Nightmare Dungeon. This ring comes with affixes that provide 25 percent Cold Resistance, 25 percent Fire Resistance, +3.2-6.0 percent Lucky Hit Chance, +1.8-5.0 percent Crit Chance, +14-19 percent Crit Damage, and +12.5-19.5 percent Core Skill Damage. It also has the unique affix that reduces the cost of the next Core Skill cast by 8-12 percent, to a max 40 percent reduction when Core Skills are used consecutively.



The unique sword Doombringer was discovered next by player ViZiOnZ333 on their Diablo 4 Rogue. The Doombringer is another very powerful weapon with affixes granting the wielder 903-1355 Damage per Hit (1.1 hits per second), +17.5 percent Crit Damage, +12.5-19.5 percent Core Skill Damage, +10.5-17.5 percent All Damage, +12-16 percent Max Life, and Lucky Hit: 5 percent chance to heal 523-941 Life. The sword also comes with another Lucky Hit chance from its unique affix that grants a +15-20 percent chance to deal 5,822 Shadow damage and apply 20 percent damage reduction, to nearby enemies.

Melted Heart of Selig


The sixth and final chase unique to be found was the amulet the Melted Heart of Selig which was discovered by a Necromancer in the Blind Burrows, completing the hunt for these Diablo 4 uniques. The Melted Heart of Selig gives the wearer 18.5 percent resistance to All element types, +12.5-19.5 percent Core Skill damage, +16.5-23.5 percent damage while Healthy, +5.0-12.0 percent Resource generation, and +10-18 All Stats. The unique affix on the Melted Heart of Selig also offers a high risk/high reward effect which grants +30 percent Max primary resource but drains 8-3 of that resource for every 1 percent of life lost, maintaining a Healthy state.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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