A common expression among Diablo fans is that the game doesn't truly begin until one reaches the level cap, and it looks like Diablo 4 will continue this trend by offering players plenty of content once they've finished the leveling process. One of the more interesting endgame systems in Diablo 4 is the Tree of Whispers, which sends players off to complete various tasks around Sanctuary in return for valuable rewards.

Game ZXC spoke with Associate Game Director Joe Piepiora and Lead Game Producer Kayleigh Calder in a roundtable interview about Diablo 4's endgame content. We asked the developers about what kind of activities and choices the Tree of Whispers system gives to players. They talked about various tasks players might encounter, how players are rewarded for their efforts, and how the system interacts with Diablo 4's dynamic world.

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Diablo 4's Tree of Whispers Has Something For Everyone


The Tree of Whispers will provide players with several Whispers of the Dead to complete, and these tend to accommodate a variety of playstyles along with a range of time commitments. Some Whispers of the Dead might be fairly brief and straightforward horde clearing, whereas others will send players into the depths of Diablo 4's many dungeons or facing off against a tough world boss.

There are a variety of Whispers of the Dead that are going to be offered to players, and the goal around that has been to provide a variety of activities that can speak to different players depending on how much time they may have to give to it today, so if someone wants to be a bit more involved maybe they'll go run a few dungeons. If somebody has a little less time, they might go and deal with a marauding horde of werewolves. Things that can be engaged with in different amounts of time, but also giving people options according to their preferred playstyle and their mood at the time and what they have time for. It's not built in such a way that you need to do every single Whisper of the Dead that's on offer. It's not really built around completionism.

While adventurous players seeking a little variety may wish to tackle every Whisper of the Dead that's handed to them, the system is meant to engage players in Diablo 4's world without pressuring them to participate in things they don't want to. It's a welcome element of unpredictability, as a player might begin a session planning to do one thing but then notice a Whisper they'd like to work on instead.

Diablo 4's Tree of Whispers Could Be a Great Source of Loot


Players are also given a decent amount of freedom when it comes to the rewards they earn from the Tree of Whispers, as they'll be able to make a relatively transparent choice between several reward caches. The Tree of Whispers could be a helpful method for players to target the Diablo 4 loot they're most interested in finding.

As the player completes these, they earn favor with the Tree of Whispers. When they've reached a set amount, they can go back to the tree, and they can receive one of several rewards which they get to choose. It's a random assortment of reward caches that become available that can be different every time you go through. Sometimes the reward itself can be legendary by nature, so that might hint players to go in a particular direction. Those caches can focus on the item slot, or a particular reward type when they show up, so that can be a fun extra bit.

Although the game doesn't currently feature a system like Diablo 3's Adventure Mode, the Tree of Whispers functions somewhat similarly to those bounties, encouraging players to venture into different places than they might have initially planned. This system is far more relaxed, however, and can be approached more passively if players prefer to focus on other activities.

Diablo 4 is out June 6 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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