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Diablo 4 has been out for around ten days now, considering its early access period, and there's a lot to unwrap about its gameplay loop and various in-game systems, especially when it comes to loot and stats. Much like past entries in the series, Diablo 4's item rarity determines what are some of the best gear pieces in the game, and such title goes to several Uniques. Diablo 4's ultra-rare Uniques currently include two pieces of gear - Harlequin Crest and The Grandfather - and they are both the best items in the entire game, even if they're not class-specific.

When it comes to Diablo 4's Druids, the nature-mending class only has a total of 8 Unique items that belong exclusively to it, which is consistent across all classes in the game. Some of these pieces of gear are incredibly powerful and build-defining, whereas others are a bit lacking in comparison, not offering enough bang for players' buck in the current metagame. Diablo 4's balance patches are frequent, however, and it's possible that Blizzard will not only make changes to the five classes again in the near future, but it could also make some of these Unique items stronger or nerf them based on their usage.

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S TierDiablo 4 Druids Warcraft Race

  • Insatiable Fury
  • Mad Wolf's Glee

These two armor pieces are the best Druid Unique items in Diablo 4 thanks to their powerful effects, respectively increasing the efficacy and potency of Werebear and Werewolf builds, sometimes even opening up more build options for players. Insatiable Fury makes Werebear form the players' true form, meaning they are shapeshifted into a Werebear at all times, and also provides 2 extra ranks to all Werebear skills - including those that gain this in-game tag via other means. Mad Wolf's Glee does the same thing, but for Werewolf form and skills, and it can become quintessential in making a successful Lightning Werewolf hybrid build.

A Tierdiablo 4 druid best worst legendary aspects tier list

  • Greatstaff of the Crone
  • Tempest Roar
  • Vasily's Prayer

There are three Unique items that make for incredible options in Druid builds in Diablo 4, and while they may not be as game-defining as Insatiable Fury and Mad Wolf's Glee, they are amazing picks for the most part. Greatstaff of the Crone is instrumental in making Lightning Werewolf builds possible thanks to its ability to make Claw a Storm skill that also casts Storm Strike with increased damage, all in one go. Similarly, Tempest Roar promotes the same type of build by making every Storm Skill also a Werewolf Skill, as well as providing occasional Spirit generation on cast. On the same spectrum is Vasily's Prayer, which makes Earth skills Werebear abilities, also providing Fortify on cast.

B Tier

Diablo 4 Best Werewolf Druid Build Collage
  • Storm's Companion
  • Waxing Gibbous

Storm's Companion and Waxing Gibbous are still decent Uniques, but they lack the extra punch that makes other options for Diablo 4's endgame more appealing. The former is focused on the Wolves skill exclusively, making Wolf Companions deal Lightning damage, gain the Storm Howl skill, and increasing the ability's ranks - all of which is useful, but not as impactful. Waxing Gibbous is a strange one, as it focuses on giving players Stealth when using Shred and then providing guaranteed critical strikes when breaking Stealth, which is a nice concept that doesn't really shine.

C Tier

diablo 4 sorceress flamethrower spell in wood house
  • Hunter's Zenith

Hybrid Werebear and Werewolf build are not in a great spot right now due to a lack of tools to make them truly viable in Diablo 4's Nightmare Dungeons and other activities, and Hunter's Zenith doesn't help their case in the slightest. Its effect is only activated on kill with shapeshifting skills, and it makes Werebear skills cost no resources when scoring a kill with a Werewolf ability, and Werewolf skills to heal the user when they take damage after killing an enemy with a Werebear ability.

Diablo 4 launches on June 6 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: How Diablo 4's World Tier 5 and Gem Tiers Could Work