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Doombringer is a super-rare Unique 1H Sword in Diablo 4 that some players would love to incorporate into their endgame builds. Unfortunately for those fans, this weapon is extremely hard to come by, and there has been only one confirmed drop at the time of writing. There are some ways by which players can maximize their chances of obtaining a Doombringer in Diablo 4, though, and this guide is here to detail them.

Diablo 4: How to Get Doombringer

The first thing that players that are looking for a Doombringer should do is fight Level 85+ enemies on World Tier 4. Indeed, the game's Lead Class Designer Adam Jackson has confirmed that only these enemies can drop Diablo 4's super-rare Uniques, and fans that are farming lower Level monsters should never expect to find one.

RELATED: Diablo 4: How to Get Harlequin Crest (Shako)

With respect to how fans can find Level 85+ enemies in Diablo 4, there are two options available to them. The first of those options is to reach Level 85 with a character, as that will cause all the monsters in the overworld to be of a suitable level. The second is to target Tier 31+ Nightmare Dungeons, as the enemies on those maps will always be Level 85+, and indeed this approach is what is recommended.

Players that are specifically trying to farm for a Doombringer should not focus on every Nightmare Dungeon, though, and they should instead clear maps with a high density of Skeletons. Indeed, it is currently believed that Skeletons have an increased chance of dropping 1H Swords, making it more likely that they will award the desired Unique. Here are the Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons in which players can find many Skeletons, and they have been ordered from best for XP farming to worst:

  1. Demon's Wake
  2. Maulwood
  3. Sunken Ruins
  4. Kor Dragan Barracks
  5. Zenith
  6. Black Asylum

For those players that are unclear about why Skeletons are more likely to award a Doombringer than other enemies, there is a "monster family" system at works within Diablo 4. This system was confirmed by Associate Game Director Joseph Piepiora in an April 2023 Developer Update Live Stream, and it means that certain types of enemies have an increased chance of dropping certain types of items. The community has recently been hard at work exploring this idea, and it is through that work that Skeletons have been identified as the best source for 1H Swords.

d4 doombringer drop

With all of this said, Diablo 4 players that put a great deal of effort toward farming the six aforementioned Nightmare Dungeons should still not expect to receive a Doombringer any time soon. As previously noted, the drop rate on this weapon is absolutely infinitesimal, and even those fans that are maximizing their odds may never see one.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.