
  • Diablo 4 players are in favor of adding a loadout system to make managing builds easier, minimizing the need for constant adjustment.
  • Players often focus on core skills or skill synergies to create strong builds, exploring myriad possibilities in gear and attributes.
  • While the game has inherited features from Diablo 3, players are eagerly awaiting quality of life improvements like a group finder and build-changing options.

Some Diablo 4 players think the game should add a loadout system, making it easier to manage builds. Diablo 4 has a rich variety of gear that players encounter in their adventures. That gear offers different attributes, which Diablo 4 players can use in different ways.

Diablo 4 players generally focus on a core skill or the synergy between two skills to create their build. From there, there is a world of possibilities, such as which are the best Legendary Aspects, Affixes, Gems, equipment, and Paragon Board for the build in question. There are also fun Diablo 4 builds for being absurdly strong, meta builds, and even builds for different activities and moments in the game. With so many options for how to build a character, Diablo 4 players agree that the game could benefit from adding a feature from its predecessor.

Diablo 4 Players Discover ‘Unfinished Items’ While Playing Helltides in Season 4

Diablo 4 players find unique items while playing Helltides, and are surprised to realize that it shouldn't be in the game in their current state.

Diablo 4 players believe that managing builds would be easier with the addition of a loadout system similar to Diablo 3's, as Reddit user HilltopHood points out. In the post, they explain that they have character builds for different situations, such as The Gauntlet, The Pit, speed farming, and battling Uber Lilith. But for each Diablo 4 activity, they need to adjust their character's skill points, equipment, and Paragon points, something they call "really annoying."

Diablo 4 Players Debate Option to Change Builds on the Fly

Diablo 4 players agreed with the OP's idea and offered their perspectives. One Redditor said they wanted two different builds but made a new character to avoid the headache described in the post. For another player, the idea of creating a secondary character just to use a second build "isn't realistic," since "Diablo 4 seasons only last three months." A third Redditor emphasized the problem of the cost of gold to change things in the game. They explained that this would make it impossible to introduce loadouts and that Diablo 4's gold use would need to be reworked in order to make loadouts viable.

Although it doesn't yet have a loadout system, Diablo 4 has inherited features from Diablo 3 such as the Paragon system, transmogs, and simplified item storage. But this isn't the only quality of life improvement that players want, as they're still waiting for the introduction of a group finder. With the release of Diablo 4's first expansion happening this year, players wait to find out if these two anticipated features will finally be available in the game.

diablo 4
Diablo 4

Diablo 4 is an action RPG developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It's the fourth mainline game in the franchise and lets players pick from five playable classes as they explore an open world Sanctuary in order to take down Lilith, while also completing quests, leveling up, and gaining better loot.

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
June 6, 2023