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The Shadowed Plunge is one of the many overworld dungeons in Diablo 4, and like many of its kind, it's got a particularly useful Legendary Aspect that Rogues might want to grab as soon as they can. However, unlocking this dungeon takes a bit more effort than most of the other ones in the game.

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Players who are going through the campaign will have to wait until they reach the later acts of Diablo 4, as the Shadowed Plunge is located in the Hawezar region. Even then, players will have to take a detour away from the main storyline in order to actually unlock this dungeon. Here's a quick guide showing its location as well as some tips on clearing it.

Diablo 4: Shadowed Plunge Dungeon Location

Vyeresz village in Diablo 4

The Shadowed Plunge is located inside Vyeresz, a self-contained section of the Toxic Fens sub-region of Hawezar. The fastest way to get here is to ride through the eastern road of Zarbinzet, past the Blind Burrows and Ruins of Eridu.

Vyeresz is a Stronghold that's occupied by Snake Cultists and their snake man overlords. There are going to be a lot of poison effects here, so come prepared with the right elixirs and resistance rolls on items.

The first objective in the Stronghold is to destroy three Serpent Eyes: the first one is in front of the petrified cultists while the other two are inside huts guarded by elites on the left and right sides of the area. Return to the middle of the village to trigger an ambush event—the stone door that leads to the boss room will open soon after.

Vyeresz's boss monster is Dianthus, a giant Nangari Longclaw that has significantly more HP than its lesser counterparts. Its attacks are easy to avoid but if they do connect, players are likely to get stunned and subsequently murdered by the boss and its minions, so be careful not to waste any dodge charges or Unstoppable cooldowns.

Kill Dianthus and interact with the Wanderer's Shrine to unlock Vyeresz as a new safe zone with a Waypoint, vendor, and blacksmith. The Shadowed Plunge will also be open for would-be raiders.

Shadowed Plunge Dungeon Tips

Inside Diablo 4's Shadowed Plunge dungeon

Just like Vyeresz, the dungeon itself is full of snake people. Poison is going to be a serious issue here, especially on Nightmare Dungeons with Poison-related modifiers.

The Nangari Longclaws and Oracles are extremely lethal since they both have attacks that can stun players. They can be problematic in large groups, especially when they're all elites in one big pack. Be careful and try to play around ability cooldowns in case a stray stun or petrify attack connects.

The Shadowed Plunge has three objectives: free prisoners, slay enemies, and destroy constructs. All of these are self-explanatory, but they are fairly lengthy. Farming this dungeon is not recommended as the effort and time commitment it requires is simply not worth it. Players should salvage any Nightmare Sigils for this dungeon and reroll them into better ones.

Finishing all objectives for the first time unlocks the Aspect of Branching Volleys, which gives arrows from the Rogue's Barrage ability to ricochet every time they hit an enemy.

Diablo 4 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.