A level 95 Necromancer has found a spot in Diablo 4 that contains a cursed chest and cursed well, unleashing a mountain of loot upon completion of both events. Blizzard's blockbuster action RPG Diablo 4 has been out for over a month and players are still discovering surprising moments within the massive world of Sanctuary.

As players explore the many regions and dungeons Sanctuary has to offer they can find structures in the world that can help them stay alive or even dish out an extra few pieces of loot. Healing wells and chests are two of these objects players can come across in the environment that can give them a leg up against the hordes of monsters. However, some of these chests and wells can be cursed, triggering a world event upon the player interacting with them, and spawning large numbers of enemies to take out with ample rewards.

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One Diablo 4 player miraculously stumbled upon a cursed chest and a cursed healing well in the very same location. NightLanderYoutube posted a clip of the lucky discovery to the diablo4 subreddit. The video shows the player in the Inner Sanctum of Diablo 4's Cultist's Refuge dungeon on World Tier 4 triggering both the cursed well and chest events simultaneously. The level 95 Necromancer then proceeded to wipe the floor with the waves of monsters, easily completing the masteries for both events and reveling in an epic rain of loot.

Among the pile of loot at the end of the massacre was a collection of Sacred and Ancestral weapons and armor pieces as well as thousands of gold and some Flawless gems. It's safe to say that this player will have a lot of reading to do upon returning to the nearest town if they have the space on their character to carry most of the loot. While unknown, it's likely that chests and wells in Diablo 4 are cursed at random and that it's matter of luck that the chest and healing well in this area both became cursed at the same time.

The gameplay of Diablo 4 is designed to be most fun when there's a high density of mobs on screen at once. Many commenters under the Reddit post expressed that they wish Blizzard would raise the base density of enemies in the world to be closer to the madness that was shown in this clip. Though, with two world events unfolding in the exact same spot at World Tier 4 in a late-game dungeon, this is likely the most hectic Diablo 4's gameplay can get.

Diablo 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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