Blizzard Entertainment may have lost a lot of fan goodwill in recent years, but it's looking to win some of it back with the upcoming Diablo 4. Fans of the iconic action role-playing series have been waiting a long time for the fourth installment, and while expectations are incredibly high, early signs indicate that Diablo 4 might be able to deliver. Although the game is yet to release, trailers and other behind-the-scenes looks have showcased Diablo 4's impressive upgrades from previous installments, as well as some excitingly realistic combat features that should elevate the upcoming title above its competitors.

The action RPG market is awash with great games, but while many share the same central themes and features, newer releases need to innovate and push boundaries to make themselves stand out from the titles that come before them. This can make older games quickly feel obsolete or outdated, which is a fate that seems to be befalling Grinding Gear Games' free-to-play RPG Path of Exile. Comparisons are often made between Path of Exile and the Diablo series, and it looks like the upcoming Diablo 4 might show Path of Exile's age in more ways than one.

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Combat In Diablo 4


Diablo 4 is looking to elevate many of the elements that players have come to know and love in the franchise. It's been over ten years since the release of Diablo 3, and the gaming landscape has changed a lot since then, so it will come as no surprise to fans of the series that the developer is looking to make some changes. While Blizzard has assured fans that in some ways Diablo 4 will be returning to the origin of the series in terms of its dark aesthetic and macabre sensibility, other aspects like its character building and combat will be getting a substantial overhaul.

One of the features that a lot of marketing material has focused on ahead of Diablo 4's launch is the creativity and freedom that the game will offer players when it comes to crafting their protagonist. With detailed insights into the various classes, a surprisingly complex character creator, and more intentionality in combat, Diablo 4 is setting itself up to be an enjoyably challenging experience with plenty of exciting updates to please a discerning audience. The improvements in the combat animations and the upgraded directional physics will make Diablo 4's combat feel more real and visceral, and certainly kicks the experience up a notch.

Combat Comparison With Path Of Exile

Ice Shot Mage Path of Exile

It's clear that Blizzard has paid a lot of attention to how combat will play out and the ways in which it can be improved, with an emphasis on detail like AoE, character animation in relation to their movement when performing skills or spells, and the timing of blows to better present player commands. Instead of mindless hacking and slashing or spell surges, Diablo 4 is putting an emphasis on precision and realism, with real weight attributed to the decisions gamers make when it comes to customizing their characters. Players may be yet to see how this feels for themselves, but already Diablo 4 looks like it's a sizable step up from its competitors.

When Path of Exile was first launched in 2013, comparisons to Diablo were inevitable. Some players felt like Path of Exile emerged favorably from that situation, with its own dark lore and innovative systems providing a compelling world to get lost in. However, even though Path of Exile has had numerous expansions and updates over the years since its release and a sequel is on the horizon, playing through the game's combat today feels like a noticeable downgrade compared to what Diablo 4 is offering. Without the responsiveness and comprehensive character models of Diablo 4, Path of Exile feels like it's firmly in the past-gen category when they're compared side by side. With its upcoming sequel, Path of Exile should definitely take a page out of Diablo 4's book and look at how it can upgrade its combat systems and update its gameplay, or risk being left behind.

Diablo 4 will release on June 6 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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