Playing in Diablo 4’s co-op can be a fun experience, but one gamer recently had a hilarious surprise after finding out why their wife was doing so little damage: she spent all of her skill points on the most basic Sorcerer abilities. Building a great character in Diablo 4 is essential to take on difficult challenges, and failing at that can really hinder someone’s ability to enjoy the game and progress at a decent rate.

The new Diablo has a pretty strong emphasis on multiplayer aspects. Diablo 4 even allows for local co-op, which is getting rarer these days. Players can take up most challenges by themselves, but working together can make certain challenges considerably easier. That is, of course, as long as teammates have a good build.

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A Diablo 4 gamer called StormtrooperDan has shared quite an amusing story about their co-op experience. They were playing Diablo 4 with their wife and eventually noticed that she was not doing much damage at all when fighting enemies. StormtrooperDan was intrigued, so they decided to check out her skill tree, only to discover that she had made a huge mistake when building her Sorcerer. The OP’s wife was already level 50, and had almost maximized all the most basic abilities of the Sorcerer, but didn’t put a single point in any of their upgrades or other skill trees. This really impacted the damage output, as well as the number of options she had in combat.

In the comments of the post, StormtrooperDan explained that the issue went on for so long because they normally play in a group with four members. However, the OP became suspicious recently when they were playing alone and paid more attention to her actions. When StormtrooperDan finally checked, they discovered the issue. According to them, the wife believed the game was “a bit repetitive and dull” before, but is enjoying it more now that she fixed the mistake and took Sorcerer skills from other Diablo 4 clusters as well.

Having a good build is essential to achieve success in Diablo 4, and one recent event is proof of that. A few days ago, a group of Diablo 4 players wrecked a World Boss in less than 15 seconds. During the event, someone that really stood out was a powerful Necromancer using a bone spear build who managed to hit seven crits in a row. Hopefully, now StormtrooperDan's wife is on the right path to creating some good builds and taking on endgame challenges, too.

Diablo 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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