Blizzard has issued a hotfix for Diablo 4's ongoing early access beta improving queue times and server stability. The launch of the Diablo 4 beta this past Friday, which is exclusive to pre-orderers, KFC Double Down eaters, and giveaway winners, has had its rocky moments. Queue times of over two hours grew when the beta first launched, and a mixture of disconnects and performance issues marred the experience. Blizzard has been quick to respond, however, and its latest hotfix is just one example.A message shared with the community confirmed that Blizzard was tracking several key issues over the course of the Diablo 4 early access beta. The biggest issues listed were being unable to join a party at times, being disconnected and having to restart due to party errors, rubberbanding while moving between zones, and PC performance issues for certain hardware. But at the top of the list were Diablo 4 beta's queue times and general server stability.RELATED: Diablo 4 Players Unhappy With the Game's UISince that update, Blizzard has confirmed its issued hotfixes that should dramatically improve certain aspects of the Diablo 4 beta. Its latest hotfix addressed an issue with unending queues on consoles, a bug introduced when a previous hotfix improved beta queue times overall. These hotfixes also specifically addressed server stability issues that the Blizzard development team had been tracking. Those checking out the early access beta this Sunday should zoom through Diablo 4's queue and have a smooth gameplay experience.

There are still many issues that haven't been addressed yet. Rubberbanding remains a frustrating problem, and the Diablo 4 beta world boss event didn't spawn for some players at its scheduled time Saturday night. These issues are still being tracked, but they may not be fixed by the time the beta ends tonight.

Blizzard will hopefully be able to address players' biggest concerns before the open beta begins next weekend. It will start on March 24 at 9:00 AM PDT/Noon EDT and last through the weekend. It's open to all players across all supported platforms. With that said, the rush of players is very likely to lead to extended queue times once more, so be ready and wary.

It's not unexpected that a beta test for a game still months away from release would have technical issues. There's understandable frustration, nevertheless, as Diablo fans have been waiting for years to play Diablo 4. Still, if there's a takeaway worth considering, it's that Blizzard has been quick to address the beta's biggest problems and has been relatively communicative about what it's doing. It could certainly be more communicative and there are still plenty of issues to address, but for one weekend Diablo fans should be fairly happy about where Diablo 4 stands.

Diablo 4 releases June 6 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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