Other Diablo 4 Build Guides

Necromancer Build

Sorcerer Build

Barbarian Build

Rogue Build


The rogue is in a delicate position for the Diablo 4 beta period. This is a class that historically needs to be careful about engaging in melee combat due to wearing lighter armor and equally requires work to be elite at range to keep up with spellcaster damage.

RELATED: Diablo 4 Beta: Best Sorcerer Build

Because of the restrictions on the beta, rogue builds that need require multiple skills to survive in danger or deal damage are going to be disappointing. Thankfully, fans of this playstyle in Diablo 4 will find that there is a build that can deal top-tier damage without needing tons of ability points.

Best Druid Build For The Beta

Diablo 4 Bear Druid Attacking A Bear
  • Maul: 1
  • Enhanced Maul: 1
  • Pulverize: 1
  • Enhanced Pulverize: 1
  • Primal Pulverize: 1
  • Predatory Instinct: 1
  • Iron Fur: 3
  • Mending: 3
  • Debilitating Roar: 4
  • Enhanced Debilitating Roar: 1
  • Preserving Debilitating Roar: 1
  • Trample: 1
  • Enhanced Trample: 1
  • Natural Trample: 1
  • Grizzly Rage: 1
  • Prime Grizzly Rage: 1
  • Supreme Grizzly Rage: 1

Although the maximum level in the game will be 100, there is a cap during the beta period. During this time, players can only get to level 25. That only leaves 24 potential ability points since the first level does not grant one. This is just enough for the druid to become a true force of nature.

RELATED: Diablo 4: How To Transmog & Change Character Appearance

By going all-in on the Werebear form, the druid tanks massive damage, debuffs enemy damage by 50%, and, most remarkable of all, gains tremendous self-healing. Players might want to level as something else, but this tanking build is incredibly powerful. The world bosses have been wrecking teams but a druid can drastically reduce the damage these bosses are capable of.

Feel free to experiment during the beta period. Try casting and Werewolf form to see how those go. If nothing feels quite right, change classes. Progress is going to be reset for all players for the regular game, so there is no sense in trying to level or complete content right now.

Diablo 4 will be available on June 6th, 2023 for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Diablo 4: What are Faded Plaques?