The Barbarian is one of the most iconic classes in the Diablo franchise, its iteration in Diablo 4 should allow long-time fans to pick up the class and feel immediately at home, but a few changes inject a bit more complexity into what is otherwise a fairly straightforward class. As one of the few toe-to-toe combatants, Barbarians should be the go-to pick for melee players in Diablo 4.

Perhaps the biggest change to the Barbarian comes in the form of Diablo 4's Arsenal system. This mechanic sees Barbarians equip four weapons at any given time: two different two-handed weapons as well as a pair of one-handed weapons—which can be mixed and matched. Not only does this change carry massive implications for gameplay and prospective builds, but it also means that Barbarians looking to optimize their builds will be spending more time grinding than other classes.

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The Core of the Barbarian is Mostly Unchanged

Barbarian Legendary Armor Set Diablo 4

While the Arsenal system does add a bit of flavor to the class, at its heart, the class is largely unchanged since the Barbarian's first appearance in Diablo 2. The core skills are much the same, albeit they reflect more closely the Diablo 3 iteration of the Barbarian, but tried-and-true builds that have worked since the Barbarian's inception—like Whirlwind or Frenzy—still shine through. The biggest change brought on by the Arsenal system is that it forces players to think more strategically about their weapon choices, encouraging them to dig deep into a weapon's individual stats and see how it will affect their overall build.

As players mashing through Diablo 4's recent beta discovered, however, the limited potion system has arguably hit Barbarians the hardest. In Diablo 4, players are given a fixed number of potions that can be later upgraded in terms of charges and healing amount. Despite the fact that enemies drop potion replenishments regularly, melee classes like the Barbarian can struggle to stay alive in protracted battles. Since they can't evade as often as the Rogue or stay at a comfortable distance like the Sorcerer, the Barbarian is inevitably going to soak up a ton of damage.

With limited healing charges, this presents a unique challenge for what was previously an extremely durable class. Not all hope is lost for Barbarian players, however, but a craftier approach like building around healing on kill items is required. Gone are the days of mindlessly leaping into battle while relying on a massive reserve of health potions.

The Death of the Tank Barbarian

Barbarian Max Level Beta 25 Diablo 4

The beta for Diablo 4 may have confirmed the death of the tank Barbarian. With the aforementioned changes to healing potions, and the best Diablo 4 Barbarian builds all revolving around offensive sets like Rend, Frenzy, and Whirlwind, niche builds for the Barbarian may be all but memory. For what it's worth, unorthodox builds on the Barbarian were never as popular as they were on other classes, but an unintended consequence of the Arsenal system is that it seemingly narrowed down the viable options for the Barbarian, making the class ultimately more rigid instead of more flexible.

As it stands, the only class capable of equipping a shield is the Necromancer in Diablo 4. In an odd twist of fate, with the ability to equip a shield as well as bolster defenses with bone magic, the Necromancer may end up being one of the most durable classes in Diablo 4—assuming its skills can offset paltry armor bonuses. Though, most likely, this title will go to the Druid, with its Werebear form.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen if the Barbarian can still be viable as a damage soak, but if late-game builds can be devised around damage reduction and increasing health points, it may still yet be possible. In the current state of the game, though, returning Barbarian players may be surprised at their lack of durability.

Diablo 4 releases June 6 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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