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Rogues are one of the five classes in Diablo 4 along with Necromancers, Druids, Barbarians, and Sorcerers. If players have jumped into this series before then this class type should feel familiar. They can equip blades and bows, and they work best in the shadows. It’s not impossible to beat the game with this class alone, but Rogues definitely feel more like supports.

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As is typical for classes in Diablo 4, Rogues will gain skill points every time they level up. Skill points can also be collected with renown. So, of the many Rogue skills Diablo 4 players can unlock, which are the best before reaching Paragon status?

8 Puncture

Puncture Rogue skill in Diablo 4

After players level up for the first time, they can change their basic attack into something more intricate. Rogues can equip small blades, like knives, as well as some swords. They can also equip bows as a secondary weapon. The first layer of skills will use either bows or blades as the new primary attack and of them all, Puncture is the best choice.

Players will throw their blades at enemies thus giving them the benefit of distance without sacrificing that much for damage. In action RPGs, distance is a huge advantage in battle especially if playing solo.

7 Barrage

Barrage Rogue skill in Diablo 4

Barrage next round of upgrades in the tree, and it takes advantage of the Rogue’s bow. It utilizes energy every time it’s used, like spells for a Sorcerer in Diablo 4. Players will launch five arrows rapidly at enemies in a spread. These arrows can ricochet off of objects and enemies and come back around to do more damage.

The more this Rogue skill is upgraded, the more effective the ricocheting will be. It’s the only bow-based skill Rogues should add to their command slots.

6 Shadow Step

Shadow Step Rogue skill in Diablo 4

Shadow Step is like a quick assassination move one could see in a game like Assassin’s Creed. Players will dash forward, ignoring all objects and enemies in their path to sneak behind the targeted opponent. This is almost like an extra dodge for players. They will deal a lethal blow to them and like most skills, it will become more powerful in the top tiers.

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Activating this skill will increase movement ahead for a short period which is great for traversal since it takes a while to unlock horses in Diablo 4. It’s also worth mentioning that Shadow Step runs on a cooldown and smart players will spam this attack every time it is available to use.

5 Caltrops

Caltrops Rogue skill in Diablo 4

Caltrops are a classic item used by rogues and thieves alike in action RPGs. They are tiny spikes that can slow down enemies, literally, for a short period. Enemies will also take a small amount of damage, but the slow effect is the big advantage here. Players can fully upgrade Caltrops so that it causes Cold damage as well which is another big reason to buy it in the skill tree.

Like Shadow Step, Caltrops has the added benefit of giving players an extra dodge. Once activated, Rogues will jump backward and then throw their spikes at a safe distance.

4 Poison Trap

Poison trap Rogue skill in Diablo 4

Poison Trap is the other trap-like skill players should buy after Caltrops. The two can work in succession of each other. First, players should slow enemies down in the Caltrops zone and then place a Poison Trap. Once an enemy runs into it, they will get poisoned and receive damage over time like in most RPGs with this status effect.

The more this skill is upgraded, the more Poison Traps can be placed on the battlefield at one time. If players know an area is about to erupt in a boss fight, they could litter the battlefield with Poison Traps and catch bosses off guard.

3 Poison Imbuement

Poison imbuement Rogue skill in Diablo 4

Poison is like the best friend to rogues, thieves, and assassins in RPGs like Diablo. What better way to deal with an opponent than with the added effect of poison to kill someone from the inside? It is a brutal way to go, but this is a world filled with horrific demons, so it fits.

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Besides Poison Trap, players can get another poison advantage via Poison Imbuement. This will tip the weapon of choice, like daggers, with poison. Every attack players make after buying this skill in Diablo 4 has a chance to poison enemies.

2 Shadow Clone

Shadow Clone Rogue skill in Diablo 4

Shadow Clone creates a temporary clone for the player which will mimic their every move from basic attacks to specials. Gaining an extra hand, especially in a solo run, will make a huge difference in Diablo 4.

Shadow Clone is considered an Ultimate Skill, and players can only purchase one at a time. It’s a shame because there are a lot of good ones worth recommending like Rain of Arrows. Shadow Clone is still far above that skill and the other options.

1 Exposure

Exposure Rogue skill in Diablo 4

Exposure last skills players can buy and, like Ultimate Skills, only one can be purchased. It is a passive skill and its perk system will increase the effectiveness of traps. So, for this particular Rogue build in Diablo 4, Caltrops and Poison Trap will become better.

For example, cooldowns for both will be decreased significantly. Also, activating a trap will have a chance to drop a cluster of stun grenades which can literally stun enemies. A stunned enemy is a dead enemy in the eyes of a bloodthirsty Rogue.

Diablo 4 was released on June 6, 2023, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.