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Diablo 4 is an action role-playing game that encourages players to upgrade their gear and create potions to better improve their chances of surviving in the land of Sanctuary. This becomes especially important as players gain the confidence to increase the World Tier of their game when they unlock the likes of World Tier four.

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However, to make these potions and upgrade their gear, players will first need the necessary resources to complete such things. There are various resources to be found across the game that are needed for different things; out of all of those that are available, these are by far the best resources players should be collecting.

8 Gallowvine

A player looking at the Gallowvine material in Diablo 4

Gallowvine may be an incredibly common resource in Diablo 4 that players can find anywhere on the map, but that doesn't stop it from being a vital ingredient. The majority of potions players will be creating both early and mid-game deem Gallowvine as an essential part of alchemy.

This ingredient will help the payer with upgrading their healing potions up to the point of a Strong Healing Potion, which is crucial to the survival of the player. Other than that, a lot of weak potions, such as Iron Barb, will require players to have this reagent in stock if they want the extra armor.

7 Grave Dust

A player looking at Grave Dust in Diablo 4

Monster parts are another important material that players are going to need on hand when hoping to dabble in the alchemy side of the RPG. Different monsters are likely to drop different materials for the player to use, and therefore they should always have some Grave Dust on hand.

Grave Dust is used to upgrade various healing potions, just like Gallowvine. However, these ground-up undead are also useful in the creation of various potions that involve necromancy. This includes Death Invasion, which makes the player immune, or Undead-slaying, which improves the damage to undead foes.

6 Biteberry

A player looking at Biteberry in Diablo 4

Another herb that players are going to want to have always in their pouch if they are hoping to improve their alchemy, especially at the start of the game, is Biteberry. Unlike Gallowvine, which can be found almost anywhere in Sanctuary, Biteberry can only be found naturally in the Fractured Peaks; otherwise, a player would need to refine materials into it at an alchemist.

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Once again, Biteberry will help a player improve their healing potions which are a vital resource to be used by the player. Other than this, Biteberry also helps make various weak elixirs, such as it also sharing a role in the creation of Weak Iron Barb and the Weak Elixir of Cold Resistance.

5 Angelbreath

The player looking at Angelbreath in Diablo 4

Moving on from what some may consider as common resources, Angelbreath is a herb that is a lot rarer to find, though it can also be discovered anywhere in Sanctuary. Angelbreath becomes a vital material for players that are reaching the endgame content, as this simple herb is needed not only for the most powerful healing objects but also for the strongest elixirs.

Unlike other alchemy ingredients that can be found across Sanctuary, a player cannot refine other materials into Angelbreath, and therefore this herb must be found in the wild. Players should always keep a keen eye out for it.

4 Silver Ore

The player looking at Silver Ore in Diablo 4

Stepping away from the alchemical reagents, there are other materials that players are going to need if they wish to improve their character in Diablo 4. Silver Ore is a material that may be somewhat common, but a lot of it will be needed from players to upgrade their equipment.

Therefore, it is one of the best materials players should be always collecting; although players are likely to find better gear all the time during their adventures across Sanctuary. If players have found a piece of gear they enjoy using, then the only way to keep it is by upgrading.

3 Veiled Crystal

The player looking at Veiled Crystal in Diablo 4

While Silver Ore is a common resource used to upgrade gear, those that have rare or legendary weapons or armor equipped will require rarer resources to improve it. Thankfully, Veiled Crystal isn't needed for the first two upgrades of a player's gear, though if they wish to get the third or fourth tier, this material will be needed.

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Veiled Crystals can only be found through salvaging rare gear. Therefore, any spare gear a player doesn't plan on using can either be sold for gold or taken to a blacksmith to earn the resources from it.

2 Baleful Fragment

The player looking at the Baleful Fragment material in Diablo 4

Continuing with rare crafting materials, Baleful Fragments are another resource that can't be found easily while exploring Sanctuary in Diablo 4. This crucial material for the endgame can only be earned through salvaging legendary weapons, offhands, and shields.

Baleful Fragments are then used to upgrade legendary weaponry to improve its damage at a blacksmith or imprint legendary weapons with other aspects and abilities at an Occultist vendor. Due to how rare it is to find legendary weapons to salvage, this is an incredibly valuable resource that players should be wary of when using.

1 Forgotten Soul

The player looking at the material the Forgotten Soul in Diablo 4

The best materials that players should stock up on becomes available to all once unlocking World Tier 3. Forgotten Souls are required to upgrade Sacred and Ancestral gear that the player is likely to find once reaching this point in the game.

Thankfully unlike other materials needed to upgrade equipment, Forgotten Souls can be farmed by taking part in the Helltides event. Once this event begins, players should make their way to this area to mine Screaming Hell Veins and kill Harbingers and Elites. This will occasionally reward players with Forgotten Souls.

Diablo 4 is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and PS5.

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