A Diablo 4 player has stumbled upon a legendary amulet that provides massive buffs to skills, movement speed, and more. Diablo 4 is Blizzard's latest game and as the company's fastest selling title ever it's garnered major praise and player counts during its first month out.

A core part of the Diablo 4 experience is outfitting one's character with proper gear and weapons found in the world, either by slaying enemies or finding chests. Armor pieces not only upgrade players' defense and damage output, but arguably more importantly provide a variety of different buffs that can enhance and synergize with players' specific builds. Diablo 4 features traditional armor with helms, chest pieces, pants, boots, and weapon slots, as well as accessories. These accessories encompass amulets and rings, with each player having one amulet slot and two ring slots.

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One player found a specific amulet that offers incredible enhancements to stats and skills. Reddit user MasterHidra posted an image of an incredibly powerful Ancestral Legendary Amulet called the Amulet of Inner Calm. Along with providing 26.5% resistance to every element, the piece of gear adds +3 ranks to all Defensive and Mastery abilities in the player's skill tree, as well as +3 ranks to the specific Devouring Blaze passive skill that's exclusive to Sorcerers. On top of that, the wearer of this amulet gains a whopping 25.5% movement speed.

In addition to all this, the proud owner of the amulet added even more buffs by fully upgrading it, imprinting an aspect that adds 15% damage for every second the wearer remains still, and socketing a chipped skull gem that adds 250 armor. While it's unknown which of the five classes the player is, it's safe to assume that they're likely a Sorcerer based on the class-exclusive Devouring Blaze buff and the aspect they've imprinted which increases the player's damage while standing still. Diablo 4 Sorcerers with ranged attacks are encouraged to stay at a distance from enemies, and this damage boost for standing still promotes this even further. However, Sorcerers will face tons of enemies that charge toward them, making it difficult at times to remain still to gain the boost. This amulet's huge movement speed boost helps offset this and gives the wearer increased mobility when inevitably encroached upon.

It would be interesting to know what the player does with the amulet if they find an even better one later on. Diablo 4 players have the option of scrapping or selling gear they no longer need for resources or gold respectively. With a sell value of over 61,000 gold, it may be hard to pass up selling if and when the time comes to part ways with the legendary amulet.

Diablo 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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