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The legacy of Diablo goes back more than 20 years, with the first game dating from 1997 and the most recent offering in the franchise, Diablo 4, set to launch in a matter of days. The lore and legend of Diablo are notorious for their unique mix of fantasy and horror ​​​​​and have a place in video game history for bringing the concept of isometric action role-playing games to a whole new level.

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Few 2023 games have been as hotly anticipated as Diablo 4, and players are already getting in line and taking advantage of those advanced downloads, hoping that maybe one game lives up to the hype. This sequel has a lot in common with the games that came before it and some new features as well; either way, players will likely make a few mistakes, and here are some tips to avoid those foibles.

7 Ignoring The "Mini-Dungeons"

screenshot d4 map defled catacomb

These fun diversions were present in the old Diablo games in the form of crypts, abandoned houses, cellars, and bandit hideouts, among other things, and players would tear through them for loot and laughter. Not only are there several of them to enjoy in Diablo 4, but many of them have perks and rewards for exploring and finishing them, even for specific classes.

However, a lot is going on in D4, and it's easy to get distracted and miss them unless a side quest leads the character there. As immersive as the main campaign is, put aside some time for the mini-dungeons for the gold, the items, and the experience points.

6 Missing Resources In The Wild

shrine with deer skull d4 loading screen

This is a relatively new feature to this franchise, but now that every game that is made has to have some kind of crafting or gathering minigame, D4 has one too. It's easy to miss, but observant players will notice bushes and rocky outcroppings that yield berries, ore, and precious stones.

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Characters don't use these materials for crafting themselves; the way the game is organized, NPCs are paid to turn them into potions and gems or to upgrade equipment. It's not only the materials that are required for this but also ample amounts of gold, another reason to spend more time exploring the wilderness.

5 Upgrading Everything Right Away

upgrade blacksmith diablo 4 screenshot cropped

This is a fun feature to play with, especially for those players that prioritize having the best gear possible at any time, but keep in mind that gold is essential for progression in Diablo 4 and it's an expensive endeavor. When a character is at a low level, however, plenty of items will drop in dungeons and from enemies that can upgrade their equipment.

Gear upgrades not only require the gold to pay the Blacksmith but also a variety of materials, such as leather, cloth, and certain stones. These can be used for higher-level upgrades later on, so saving them for better gear is better.

4 Talking To Every NPC

dinner with lorath d4 screensot cropped

There are towns and villages scattered all over the vast continent that makes up Diablo 4, but this isn't the same as a mystery game where a character has to search for clues or can only advance after finding snippets of information. Most of the NPCs in towns and cities have something to say, but most of it is atmospheric and not useful.

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The game is fairly direct about whom the player has to interact with to advance the plot. It's still an option for a player with more patience and time than average.

3 Skipping All The Dialogue And Cut Scenes

lilith donan's vision cut scene diablo 4

On the other hand, Blizzard has included some entertaining cut scenes and dialogue in Diablo 4's main quest line. Unless a player has seen the cinematics already, it's worth having the patience to finish them.

Not to reveal any bug spoilers, but it's 50 years after Diablo 3 ended, and Lilith is visiting certain individuals in Sanctuary. The conflict continues between her and Inarius over the ultimate fate of the world they created together, but her exact motives and intentions remain mysterious.

2 Questing Through The Main Storyline And Missing The Rest

d4 main quest donan's keep screenshot

One way to play the game is to focus on the main storyline and ignore the side quests, which might be an option for those that are playing in Adventurer Mode. It's a necessary step to finishing the campaign, but for those that want the authentic D4 experience, it's better to go exploring or do some side quests once in a while.

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It's important to have gold in the game, as it's required to do repairs and upgrades, and the main questline doesn't award enough gold to get it all done. Luckily, making some extra coins is easy by doing a few extra side quests.

1 Ignoring Class Quests

diablo 4 sorcerer quest complete screenshot

These will pop up occasionally, and if a character doesn't finish them, they won't be able to access certain skills until they do. This is not the type of RPG that has class trainers, and the only two ways to learn new abilities are either by choosing them in Diablo 4's Skill Tree or by learning them through class quests.

Most of the first-class quests will appear at level 15, and the player will be able to see them on the minimap. It's better to do them sooner than later, so the character can use their new talents to defend themselves.

Diablo 4 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.