Enchanting in Diablo 4 is a dangerous game where players can easily drain their pockets in pursuit of the ideal affixes, and one Necromancer in particular lost over 100 million gold with nothing to show for it. Though there are a few tips and tricks to reroll stats in Diablo 4 without breaking the bank, Enchanting still remains the biggest money sink at World Tiers 3 and above by far. Given the narrow list of attributes that provide worthwhile benefits to characters of any Diablo 4 class, players are not only encouraged to Enchant their gear to maximize their power, but are outright expected to.

Chasing ultra-rare Uniques in Diablo 4 may not necessarily make or break a player's build, but fine-tuning stats on a well-rolled Rare can transform a decent item into something truly powerful. The stats in Diablo 4 that most players chase are usually Skill Ranks, Critical Strike Chance, Damage to Vulnerable Enemies, and Attack Speed. Given the sheer amount of skills in the game, it takes a while until they roll the corresponding affix, and unfortunately, bad luck can often lead players bricking an item with exorbitant Enchanting costs.

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This problem happened to airman4nba, a Necromancer who shared their misfortune on the Diablo 4 subreddit. This Necromancer had but one goal in mind: to reroll the +2 Ranks of Corpse Tendrils on a Rare pair of boots into something useful. Not only did it fail to produce any upgrade, but to add insult to injury, the two alternative options on the final roll were +2 Ranks of Corpse Tendrils and +2 Ranks of Corpse Tendrils. Two thirds of a player's wealth evaporated in an instant to chase the stats on a single Rare item in Diablo 4.

Though fans usually consider items bricked by a fourth or fifth attempt at most, Enchanting in Diablo 3 at the Mystic is a lot more merciful by comparison. While it is important to have money sinks to stabilize the economy of a game, Diablo 4 has a very barebones system of trade in its current version, and the cost of using the Occultist's service feels overtuned to many players as they begin to approach the endgame in Diablo 4.

With mid-June slated to be the start of Diablo 4's inaugural season, there's a very slim chance that Blizzard will make significant changes to Enchanting costs or affix rerolls. Though players have mostly done alright under the current system, it's become obvious that Enchanting is something they only barely tolerate instead of genuinely enjoy. For the Blizzard developers out there, it's certainly something to keep an eye out for.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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