Activision Blizzard is releasing Diablo 2: Resurrected in a matter of weeks, but Vicarious Visions continues to unveil details about the remastered classic. One small detail in Diablo 2: Resurrected that may disappoint fans of widescreen is the lack of support for ultrawide screen.

Vicarious Visions recently confirmed that Diablo 2: Resurrected will not offer ultrawide screen support due to an issue that it causes. This issue was discovered during the technical beta, meaning some players who participated may see a change to the game before it officially releases. The developers have discovered that wider screens break AI mechanics in the original version of Diablo 2 as well as D2: Resurrected.

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During the Diablo 2: Resurrected technical beta, players with ultrawide screens were able to test unimpeded. During the testing, Vicarious Visions was able to identify limitations and AI issues affecting these players. Because of the wider screens and the way Diablo 2 is programmed, AI enemies weren't properly registering players at a distance which is what triggers their pathing towards them.

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The AI issues extend beyond simply not recognizing players in Diablo 2: Resurrected, as players with ultrawide screens were also able to pull way more enemies than intended. These players were able to accomplish these massive pulls at a range limit beyond the original game's capabilities. Players with ultrawide screens could also attack enemy AI that wasn't pathing towards them properly, giving them an easier fight than enemies in the original version of the game.

The enemy AI of Diablo 2: Resurrected won't properly react to players attacking them from a distance on ultrawide screens even when being attacked. Vicarious Visions hasn't confirmed why the AI doesn't react to being hit from a distance on ultrawide screens, but it seems to boil down to something that can't be changed. Activision Blizzard has confirmed that developers are looking at possible solutions to this issue without changing the game drastically.

Following alpha and technical beta testing for Diablo 2: Resurrected, Activision Blizzard received a lot of feedback requesting ultrawide screen support from fans. Players with 21:9 screens have been hoping to utilize their ultrawide screens to full potential with the upcoming remaster, but Vicarious Visions hasn't been able to fix the AI issues associated with wider screens.

The maximum screen size that Diablo 2: Resurrected expands to is 19:9, but players on larger screens will still be able to play the upcoming remaster. Vicarious Visions will allow players on 21:9 screens to play Diablo 2: Resurrected at the 19:9 ratio with a vignette on both sides of the screen. This is currently Vicarious Visions' solution to the in-game issues associated with screens wider than 19:9.

Diablo 2: Resurrected releases for Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S on September 23.

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Source: Activision Blizzard (via IGN)