Diablo 2: Resurrected is an updated version of the original 2000 PC title. It has all new cinematic graphics that are significantly improved over the original Diablo 2 graphics, improved effects, and all sorts of new added changes. One thing that hasn't changed is the Horadric Cube and all of its recipes.

RELATED: Diablo 2: Resurrected - How To Build The Wind Druid

But it's not like the game has a friendly recipe book to help all of the players use it. In fact, much of what the community has made with the Horadric Cube has come from trial and error. To help ease the pain of guessing and checking while wasting valuable materials in the process, this is a complete list of all known recipes that can be made using the Horadric Cube in Diablo 2: Resurrected.

Updated on December 17th, 2021 by Hodey Johns: After two decades of gaming, players are still finding creative new things to do inside of Diablo 2 and that hasn't stopped with Diablo 2: Resurrected. The Horadric Cube has been around for a while, but its uses are almost limitless. As such, the guide became somewhat difficult to read as recipe after recipe was added to the extensive list. Now felt like an ideal time to update this list since fresh eyes are going to be using it thanks to the latest game being released. In addition to making this list easier to read, the images and links in this guide have also been modernized.

What Is The Horadric Cube?

Diablo 2 Resurrected Making A Specific Recipe At The Horadric Cube

The Horadric Cube is a unique item that allows players to upgrade gems and runes in Diablo 2 into better versions of themselves. For example, a player with enough Chipped Topaz can merge them all into a Perfect Topaz or can upgrade the lower tiers of runes into better ones. Since the Horadric Cube is unique, players can only carry one at a time. If a Cube ends up getting lost, players can nab a new one in level 3 of the Halls of the Dead in Act 2 or in Act 3, Quest 5.

RELATED: Diablo 2: Resurrected - How To Build The "Bowazon" Archer Amazon

The Horadric Cube is easy to use; players just have to drag and drop the items they wish to craft into the cube. After dropping enough of the correct items into the Cube, it will output the crafted item. Any item dragged and dropped into the Horadric Cube will be identified by Deckard Cain, the Horadric Scholar. if this process gets overwhelming, there are a few recipes that are generally considered the best in the game, so feel free to stick to those.

Gem Upgrades

Diablo 2 Resurrected Sorceress and Druid Classes

One big difference between success and failure against the game's toughest bosses is how well gems have been utilized. Using weak gems will yield a weaker performance. Thankfully, the Horadric Cube has a simple way to upgrade clusters of lesser gems into the next tier.



3 Chipped Gems

1 Flawed Gem

3 Flawed Gems

1 Regular Gem

3 Regular Gems

1 Flawless Gem

3 Flawless Gems

1 Perfect Gem

This formula works for any of the following:

  • Amethysts
  • Diamonds
  • Emeralds
  • Rubies
  • Sapphires
  • Skulls
  • Topazes

Rune Upgrades

Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes Dropping Off Of The Countess

Once players understand what runes do, they'll quickly realize that much of the late-game content is based on farming them up for bigger and better items and Runewords.

RELATED: Diablo 2: Resurrected - How To Build The "Hammerdin" Hammer Paladin

Luck is a terrible thing to depend on, so thankfully the Horadric Cube does provide a way to dependably get runes by cashing in on runes and gems that are more common.

Entry 1

Entry 2


3 El


1 Eld

3 Eld


1 Tir

3 Tir


1 Nef

3 Nef


1 Eth

3 Eth


1 Ith

3 Ith


1 Tal

3 Tal


1 Ral

3 Ral


1 Ort

3 Ort


1 Thul

3 Thul

1 Chipped Topaz

1 Amn

3 Amn

1 Chipped Amethyst

1 Sol

3 Sol

1 Chipped Sapphire

1 Shael

3 Shael

1 Chipped Ruby

1 Dol

3 Dol

1 Chipped Emerald

1 Hel

3 Hel

1 Chipped Diamond

1 Io

3 Io

1 Flawed Topaz

1 Lum

3 Lum

1 Flawed Amethyst

1 Ko

3 Ko

1 Flawed Sapphire

1 Fal

3 Fal

1 Flawed Ruby

1 Lem

3 Lem

1 Flawed Emerald

1 Pul

2 Pul

1 Flawed Diamond

1 Um

2 Um

1 Topaz

1 Mal

2 Mal

1 Amethyst

1 Ist

2 Ist

1 Sapphire

1 Gul

2 Gul

1 Ruby

1 Vex

2 Vex

1 Emerald

1 Ohm

2 Ohm

1 Diamond

1 Lo

2 Lo

1 Flawless Topaz

1 Sur

2 Sur

1 Flawless Amethyst

1 Ber

2 Ber

1 Flawless Sapphire

1 Jah

2 Jah

1 Flawless Ruby

1 Cham

2 Cham

1 Flawless Emerald

1 Zod


Diablo 2 Resurrected Health Potion Tiers

Potions can be improved as part of Diablo 2's game mechanics just like gems and runes can by mixing potions and gems together. Any level of healing or mana potions can be used in this way. Players can also use potions to keep their awesome hirelings alive and topped off.

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3


3 Health Potions

3 Mana Potions

1 Chipped Gem

1 Partial Rejuvenation Potion

3 Health Potions

3 Mana Potions

1 Regular Gem

1 Full Rejuvenation Potion

3 Partial Rejuvenation Potions



1 Full Rejuvenation Potion

1 Health Potion

1 Strangling Gas Potion


1 Antidote Potion


Diablo 2 Resurrected Wind Druid Casting Fire At A Mob

Players can get understandably upset that their made one of the best Runewords possible, but it runs out of charges. Thankfully, the Horadric Cube can bring the charges back and repair the item in question as well.

RELATED: Diablo 2: Resurrected - How To Build The Whirlwind Barbarian

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3


1 Ral

1 Damaged Armor


1 Repaired Armor

1 Ral

1 Flawed Gem

1 Damaged And/Or Drained Armor

1 Repaired And Recharged Armor

1 Ort

1 Damaged Weapon


1 Repaired Weapon

1 Ort

1 Chipped Gem

1 Damaged And/Or Drained Weapon

1 Repaired And Recharged Weapon

Improved And Random Items

Diablo 2 Resurrected Crafted Scepter Equipped On The Player

Players will never be lucky enough to get a blank screen that allows them to type the statistics into any item they want, but they can improve their chances of getting a higher quality item. Different classes will value different weapons, but thankfully the Horadric Cube replaces items with like items.

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4


3 Rings




1 Higher-Quality Amulet

3 Amulets




1 Higher-Quality Ring

1 Perfect Skull

1 Stone Of Jordan

1 Rare Item


1 High-Quality Rare Item

3 Perfect Skulls

1 Stone Of Jordan

1 Rare Item


1 Rare Item With Socket

6 Perfect Skulls

1 Rare Item



1 Rare Item With New Stats

3 Perfect Gems

1 Magic Item



1 Magic Item With New Stats

3 Regular Gems

1 Socketed Weapon



1 Socketed Magic Weapon

3 Flawless Gems

1 Magic Weapon



1 Socketed Magic Weapon

1 Ral

1 Amn

1 Perfect Amethyst

1 Normal Weapon

1 Socketed Magic Weapon

1 Eld

1 Chipped Gem

1 Low-Quality Weapon


1 Normal Weapon

1 Ral

1 Sol

1 Perfect Emerald

1 Normal Unique Weapon

1 Exceptional Unique Weapon

1 Ort

1 Amn

1 Perfect Sapphire

1 Normal Rare Weapon

1 Exceptional Rare Weapon

1 Fal

1 Um

1 Perfect Sapphire

1 Exceptional Rare Weapon

1 Elite Rare Weapon

1 Tal

1 Thul

1 Perfect Topaz

1 Normal Body Armor

1 Socketed Body Armor

1 Ral

1 Thul

1 Perfect Sapphire

1 Normal Helm

1 Socketed Helm

1 Tal

1 Amn

1 Perfect Ruby

1 Normal Shield

1 Socketed Shield

1 El

1 Chipped Gem

1 Low-Quality Armor


1 Normal Armor

1 Tal

1 Shael

1 Perfect Diamond

1 Normal Unique Armor

1 Exceptional Unique Armor

1 Ko

1 Lem

1 Perfect Diamond

1 Exceptional Unique Armor

1 Elite Unique Armor

1 Ral

1 Thul

1 Perfect Amethyst

1 Normal Rare Armor

1 Exceptional Rare Armor

1 Ko

1 Pul

1 Perfect Amethyst

1 Exceptional Rare Armor

1 Elite Rare Armor

Specific Items

Diablo 2 Resurrected Glowing Due To An Aura On The Body Armor

While random items are recommended for the endgame, early on it can be nice to know that players can manufacture very specific items if they want. The recipes above still involve many random results, especially statistically, even when the version of the item stays the same. These recipes will yield very specific items.

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry 5

Entry 6


1 Ring

1 Perfect Emerald

1 Antidote Potion




1 Jade Ring

1 Ring

1 Perfect Ruby

1 Exploding Potion




1 Garnet Ring

1 Ring

1 Perfect Sapphire

1 Thawing Potion




1 Cobalt Ring

1 Ring

1 Perfect Topaz

1 Rejuvenation Potion




1 Coral Ring

1 Perfect Amethyst

1 Perfect Diamond

1 Perfect Emerald

1 Perfect Ruby

1 Perfect Sapphire

1 Perfect Topaz

1 Prismatic Amulet

4 Health Potions

1 Ruby

1 Magic, Set, Or Rare Sword




1 Long Sword Of The Leech

1 Diamond

1 Staff

1 Kris

1 Belt



1 Savage Polearm

1 Small Magic Shield

1 Spiked Club

2 Skulls




1 Small Shield Of Spikes


Diablo 2 Resurrected Taking On A Group Of Enemies With A Bow

Among the many mysterious Horadric Cube recipes, there are some simple recipes that many players don't know existed. Among these are the ammunition recipes that can consume ammunition or equipment of a variety that isn't useful and turn it into a stack of ammunition that is.

Entry 1

Entry 2


2 Quivers Of Arrows


1 Quiver Of Bolts

2 Quivers Of Bolts


1 Quiver Of Arrows

1 Spear

1 Quiver Of Arrows

1 Stack of Javelins

1 Axe

1 Dagger

1 Throwing Axe

Unsocketing Equipment

Diablo 2 Resurrected Socketed Item In The Horadric Cube

It can be a total buzzkill to prepare for Diablo himself perfectly only to have an inferior gem stuck on a piece of fantastic gear. Instead of selling it and farming anew, simply use the Horadric cube to free up the socket. Warning: The socketed gem is destroyed in this process.

Entry 1

Entry 1

Entry 3


1 Hel

1 Scroll Of Town Portal

1 Socketed Item

1 Unsocketed Item

Quest And Miscellaneous

Diablo 2 Resurrected Portal That Leads To The Secret Cow Level

There are other recipes in Diablo 2: Resurrected that allow players to progress the story and more. This includes visiting the rumored Cow Level and getting to Uber Tristram.

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4


1 Wirt's Leg

1 Tome Of Town Portal



1 Portal To Cow Level From Rogue's Camp Only)

1 Baal's Eye

1 Diablo's Horn

1 Mephisto's Brain


1 Portal to Uber Tristram

1 Key of Hate

1 Key of Terror

1 Key of Destruction


1 Pandemonium Event

1 Twisted Essence of Suffering

1 Charged Essence of Hatred

1 Burning Essence of Terror

1 Festering Essence of Destruction

1 Token of Absolution

1 Staff Of Kings

1 Viper Amulet



1 Horadric Staff

1 Khalim's Eyes

1 Khalim's Heart

1 Khalim's Brain

1 Khalim's Flail

1 Khalim's Will

Diablo 2: Resurrected was released on September 23rd, 2021, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Diablo 2: Resurrected - How To Build The Trapper Assassin