Given the massive amount of popularity of the franchise, primarily based on its third and fifth installments, Devil May Cry has been one of the main requests for remakes among Capcom fans. With the success of the Resident Evil 2 and 4 Remakes and the expectation that Capcom may very well continue in the same pattern with other titles, Devil May Cry 3 remains among the hottest topics in regard to being revamped to modern standards.

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While many would expect Devil May Cry 1 to be the first in line to receive a remake, this could be the opportunity for Capcom to finally release the games in their chronological order, starting with Devil May Cry 3, which is the first game within the timeline.

5 Dante & Vergil's Childhood

Dante and Vergil

Despite many mentions and a few scenes within each Devil May Cry entry giving more hints and insights into the Sons of Sparda's childhood, there is still much to learn about the pair within the realm of the games. As Devil May Cry 5 reveals their mother Eva's sacrifice in her efforts to save both Dante and Vergil, the reasoning for Vergil's anger and disdain towards his brother stems directly from his belief that he was left behind, despite her being killed before she could find him.

While this was pleasing to see, a remake of Devil May Cry 3 could give fans a greater opportunity at witnessing the twins' childhood, what happened leading up to those events that resulted in their mother's death, and how things were during the period in which the family was safe and sound.

4 Sparda's Death

Vergil as Sparda

Aside from the Sparda costumes that players can use between Dante and Vergil in Devil May Cry 4, there has been little to no screen time for their father Sparda, except for the opening sequence for the first entry in the franchise. One of the unresolved mysteries in the entirety of the story is how Sparda died, to whom, and how a figure so powerful could be defeated if he supposedly died in battle.

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Whether Capcom would decide to retcon the mention of his disappearance and death, a revisit to Devil May Cry 3 for developers could enable them to expand on the matter. Given the lack of clarity as to why he would disappear or how he died, it would be interesting if the character would be featured in a flashback sequence, during the encounters between Dante and Vergil.

3 RE Engine/Devil May Cry 5 Gameplay

Nero vs Demons

Outside of story matters, the implementation of the RE Engine in all of Capcom's recent titles has proven to be an immense success, both in terms of performance on all platforms, and gameplay mechanics. Devil May Cry 5 goes far above and beyond all of its predecessors, introducing greater graphical fidelity, and new levels of fluidity in movement, attacks, and style in combat encounters.

In the case of a Devil May Cry 3 remake being green-lit, Capcom already has the perfect template to work from, and seeing the epic encounters featured in the third installment transformed into a modern style of gameplay and visual quality would be a great spectacle, to say the least.

2 Nero's Birth/Mother

Nero in Devil May Cry 5

With Devil May Cry 5 finally confirming fans' assumptions and theories regarding Nero being Vergil's son, the next question in line is who Nero's mother is. Despite it likely not having any major impact on the story at this current point in time, many continue to ponder how who Vergil could have possibly fallen for, and when.

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As Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition's Vergil campaign reveals, a hooded woman is seen crossing paths with the elder Sparda son in Fortuna, which many assume to be the mother of Nero. While this sequence may very well be far ahead of the events of Devil May Cry 3, the ending or latter stages of a remake could either hint at what is to come in a sixth installment or reveal her identity in its entirety, which could also pave way for a future plot line.

1 Period Between Ending & Devil May Cry 1

Dante posing with a gun

Considering the aforementioned fact of Devil May Cry 3 being the first game in the timeline of the entire story, there is a long period between 3's ending and the beginning of 1. These would be considered to be the years in which Dante's demon-hunting business "Devil May Cry" gradually began to blossom, and there are most certainly some interesting encounters that must have happened during this period.

Again, whether this would occur during the major parts of a Devil May Cry 3 remake, or if it would be revealed towards its final stages is up for debate, but there is no doubt in wondering whether fans would want to see this. This could then act as a segway into a Devil May Cry 1 remake, allowing Capcom to double down on narrative changes and new plot lines that may be put in place.

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