The series of action RPGs known as Deus Ex initially gave fans a somewhat dark look into the 21st century, with secretive factions vying for control of the world. The first Deus Ex game launched back in 2000, with a sequel, Invisible War, releasing in 2003. Deus Ex: Human Revolution gave the franchise somewhat of a soft reboot in 2011, which was predominantly well received. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided dropped in 2016. However, unlike Human Revolution, the sales of Mankind Divided did not meet expectations, leading to Square Enix putting an indefinite hold on future titles. With Eidos-Montreal recently being acquired by Embracer Group, some fans hope a new Deus Ex is bound to be in the works.However, one person heavily involved in the Deus Ex franchise has denied the existence of any new games at the moment. Elias Toufexis, the actor who voiced Adam Jensen in both Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, has stated that he has no knowledge of an upcoming game in the franchise. Toufexis is often active on Twitter, informing fans of his next roles whenever he can talk about them. Toufexis, like many other gaming employees, usually signs an NDA, meaning they can't talk about projects even if they want to.RELATED: Embracer Group Acquiring Square Enix Montreal, Eidos, Crystal DynamicsToufexis was unable to confirm his appearance in Gotham Knights, for example, where he will play the Penguin. In terms of Deus Ex, Toufexis has stated that he is currently working on other projects. "I've done something like 30 games since Deus Ex," the actor said via Twitter. "I'm on a couple [of projects] right now that are even bigger than Deus Ex." While Toufexis didn't say what the projects were that are "bigger" than Deus Ex, it is possible that his upcoming role in Gotham Knights could be among them.

The Deus Ex actor did state that he would let his fans know whenever he hears anything, something that some doubted due to the aforementioned existence of NDAs. While Embracer Group acquired studios other than Eidos Montreal and some big IPs such as the Marvel's Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy games, many believe that to add a new Deus Ex game to the lineup would bolster Embracer's roster of big franchises.

It is currently unknown how many of the IPs acquired by Embracer Group will see a new title soon. Some well-received games like Sleeping Dogs have been acquired, and while fans would love to see a sequel, it may be that Embracer would rather focus on the arguably bigger franchises like the Marvel games. There is also a new Tomb Raider game in the works from Crystal Dynamics, meaning Embracer has a big title already on the way.

MORE: Embracer Group's Acquisition Of Eidos Could Lead To A New Deus Ex Game