Set in the near future, Detroit: Become Human explores a unique, technologically advanced world in which androids exist to serve humans as servants. Holding many minimum wage jobs, androids are essentially responsible for keeping the world running smoothly. They have no choice but to obey...or do they?

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Putting the story into the player's capable (or maybe not so capable) hands, nearly every choice made affects the storyline. Playing as Connor, Kara, and Markus, all of their actions contribute to their earned ending in Detroit: Become Human. Though there are over 40 possible ends, there are a few choices that are objectively good, and the best choices within this context for Connor are mentioned below.

Updated on August 11, 2022 by Ritwik Mitra: Out of the three protagonists that players can control in Detroit: Become Human, most people agree that Connor is the most important one of the lot. Sure, Markus might be leading a revolution to free the androids... but Connor represents the bridge between androids and humans throughout the game.

His actions shape the major events of the game, and here are all the choices that players need to make so that Connor becomes a truly upstanding member of society in his own way.

10 Spare Chloe

Chloe in Detroit Become Human

During Connor and Hank's investigation, they end up going to Elijah Kamski's mansion. There, players get to see the android Chloe that is present in the Main Menu.

Elijah forces Connor through a Kamski test where he tells the android to shoot Chloe in order to gain some vital information. Players should obviously spare her, since the information is not worth Connor's brutality and Hank's anger.

9 Don't Let Connor Die

Markus and Connor in Detroit Become Human

Perhaps the most obvious advice that can be given for Connor's playthrough is to not let him die in the game, no matter what. While he does come back in later chapters, this happens at the cost of his empathy and memories being reset as well.

Low software instability will lead to Connor failing to become a deviant, which locks some of the best endings in the game. So, when QTEs and the like pop up, make sure to succeed in all of them while playing as Connor.

8 Reconstruct And Solve The Crimes

Connor will be tasked with solving various crimes using his robotic functionalities. However, if a player fails to gather enough evidence, then they can fail these investigations as well.

Related: The Most Important Choices You’ll Make In Detroit: Become Human

It goes without saying that finding all the clues at a crime scene is important for the story to progress on the best path possible. Repeated failures will lead to Amanda permanently shutting Connor down, resulting in a permanent death!

7 Talking Down The Deviant In The First Chapter

The first chapter shows the wealth of options that players have access to while trying to deal with the deviant. Depending on how much time Connor had to investigate, he can unlock certain options to talk the deviant down.

Failing to do so can lead to Connor either being shot or sacrificing himself to save the child. These outcomes are preferably avoided, and players should ideally get to a positive start while playing Detroit: Become Human.

6 Intervene When The Arrested Deviant Is Being Accosted By An Officer

Connor interrogating the deviant in Detroit Become Human

After discovering another deviant during his investigation, Connor will get to interrogate the suspect. Don't try and agitate the deviant too much, since that will lead to players missing out on a vital lead.

Another moment will come when the deviant will start struggling with an officer. Connor should ideally intervene here, since failing to do so will lead to the deviant taking the gun from the officer and shooting both him and Connor.

5 Buy Hank A Drink

connor watches hank drink at the bar

In Chapter 6, Connor finds Hank drunk in a bar, and asks him to accompany him to a crime scene. The player gets the option of buying him a drink, spilling his drink, or going outside to wait for him to finish.

Related: Detroit: Become Human: Ways It Proved To Be The Best Interactive Action Game (& Other Ways It Fell Short)

Buy Hank the drink. This helps to humanize Connor in the grumpy, android-hating Hank's eyes. Any other choice made will cause Hank's suspicions to be justified and he will dislike Connor even more.

4 Be Hank's Friend

connor and hank in car

This is one of the situations where it is a series of choices more than a single press of a button. The player can easily choose to upset, ignore, or fight their reluctant partnership with Hank every step of the way.

It's very important to befriend your partner. If Hank is not protected and a bond is not formed between the two characters, Hank can kill himself near the end of the game.

3 Find The Picture Of Hank's Son

picture of hank's son

In the chapter "Russian Roulette", Connor goes to Hank's house. The player must break a window in order to save Hank when he sees the man passed out with a gun and a bottle of liquor. It is important to look around his home and find the photo of Hank's son.

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Having this information about his son can help to save Connor's life in "The Bridge" when Hank threatens him. The player should take all opportunities to learn about Hank in every Connor chapter (such as searching his desk) to know how to best earn his trust.

2 Find The Deviant At The Eden Club

hank and connor question the androids at the club

If a player hasn't done well gaining Hank's trust as an investigator (and as an android), players should make sure that they do not fail the mission at the Eden Club. Connor gets the opportunity to go after runaway deviants.

If Connor previously failed other missions at crime scenes with Hank, it is more likely that Hank will not trust him. This may can cause him to shoot him in the chapter titled "The Bridge".

1 Choose To Go Deviant

connor as a deviant with hat on

During the "Crossroads" chapter, Connor can decide whether to go deviant or not. He will only get this option if the player has made certain choices in the past.

This includes choosing not to kill Chloe, letting the Traci escape from Eden, and saving Hank's life. If the player chooses to remain a machine, then Connor may get the opportunity to kill Markus.

Detroit: Become Human is out now for PC, PS4, and PS5.

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