About a month ago, the European rating board known as PEGI officially rated the adventure gameDetective Pikachu, which indicated the inevitability of the 3DS title coming to European and North American audiences. Now, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have officially confirmed that it will indeed be coming to both the U.S. and Europe on March 23, 2018 for the aforementioned handheld device.

This will mark the first English-language release of Detective Pikachu, which originally launched in Japan back in winter 2016. As seen in the trailer below, Western audiences will soon be able to experience a story involving a talking Pikachu and his human sidekick as they help out Pokemon in need. Unfortunately, though, Nintendo went with another voice actor for the Electric-type instead of the fan-favorite pick, Danny DeVito.


What's more is that Detective Pikachu's launch in the West will also coincide with the release of a super-sized amiibo based on the character (seen above) that's almost twice the size of the standard Super Smash Bros. edition of the popular Pocket Monster. According to The Pokemon Company, when it's used with the 3DS game, the amiibo will allow players to check out all of the “Pika Prompts”–that is, hints which assist in the finding of clues.

With Western audiences having been waiting quite some time for their own version of Detective Pikachu to play, the fact that its launch is only about two months away should delight them thoroughly. And with the 3DS title coming out just several weeks in advance to the theatrical release of the movie based on the game, it's safe to say that many Pokemon fans will be in attendance with their Detective Pikachu game cards in tow.

Detective Pikachu is set to release on March 23, 2018 in the U.S. and Europe for the Nintendo 3DS.