Bungie is rather meticulous when it comes to packing its Destiny 2 Collector's Edition DLC boxes with all manner of secrets and physical goodies for fans to play around with. Not least of these is the so-called psychometer device, featured as part of the limited physical print of Witch Queen DLC, and which allows owners to scan certain items to play sounds and audio messages.

However, Destiny 2 fans hoping to discover more secrets related to the mysterious device may be disappointed to hear that there doesn't seem to be much else to it, after all. A Collector's Edition owner has gone through the process of disassembling the psychometer as much as possible and documenting each of its disparate components along the way.

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According to TheKingofAntarctica, who posted their teardown of the Witch Queen Collector's Edition psychometer, there doesn't seem to be a grand secret contained within the device itself, as some other users had previously suggested. Specifically, the user was attempting to figure out whether the psychometer included a UHF antenna or some analog thereof, only to discover that the metallic protrusion is, in fact, simply an actuator toggle that toggles the power-state of the device.

Though there are plenty of secrets included in the Witch Queen Collector's Edition, the psychometer itself seems to be a relatively simple NFC reader that interacts with some other physical items sold by Bungie, such as the Strange Coin replica. The result is that, when said items are placed onto the device, it plays back an audio message of some sort. This was apparent right away, but the working theory was that the psychometer's "antenna" was transmitting a Morse code of some sort.

According to TheKingofAntarctica's teardown, however, this couldn't be further from the truth. Admittedly, there was an emission present that could be mistaken for a code of some sort, this seems to have been the result of radiation that comes from all low-cost electronics of this type. Given Bungie's propensity to implement Destiny 2 secrets both in-game and in the real world, however, it's not strange for some members of the community to have been hopeful about the emissions.

Destiny 2 Witch Queen DLC had over a million preorders at the start of February, panting a pretty clear picture of just how excited the community is about the DLC's imminent release. With just a few short days to go before the expansion pack is out, it's unlikely that there are any further secrets left to uncover before the release.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series platforms, with the Witch Queen DLC coming out on February 22nd.

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