Destiny was the first game that Bungie developed after leaving the irreplaceable Master Chief and the legendary Halo series behind. Three years after the original game's release in 2014, Destiny 2 debuted and brought about a lot of changes.

Even thoughDestiny 2 is primarily a player vs. enemy game, it does also allow player vs. player matches to be had for those that want to test their skills over in the Crucible. Here is a list of the five best things about the Crucible, and the five elements it could truly do without.

10 BEST: The Variety Of Guns

Back when Destiny first released, the Crucible was okay but nothing overly amazing. It was reasonably unbalanced at the start because some guns did not fit the player vs. player gameplay well. So players generally only used a couple of different guns. This meant that every game you entered, it was practically the same match repeated.

Now, in Destiny 2, the guns feel more balanced, that people are starting to use all the guns. Yes, certain guns feel better against human opponents, and they will always be the go-to weapons. But generally, every weapon can kill.

9 WORST: The Abuse

It's seriously doubtful that this will ever change, no matter what game you play. The angry gamers, the people who hurl abuse, and showboat instead of just having a good time and letting others to. Every gamer sadly knows these kinds of people. If a game has a chat function or emotes or anything that a player can use, someone will have found a way to make it come across as being abusive. And sadly, Destiny 2 is no different.

RELATED: Destiny 2: Every Crucible Game Mode, Ranked

Everyone plays games differently. Some play casually, some want to go pro, and some just want to have a laugh. You could be paired up with a multitude of people who have different motives but, win or lose, there is no need to become angry at anyone when playing a game.

8 BEST: Seasonal & Limited Modes

As Destiny 2 is a first-person shooter that allows respawns if it only had one game mode, players would no doubt get sick of it relatively fast. So, of course, Destiny 2 has a plethora of game modes to choose from, but some are only available during special events or those that change weekly.

One of these events, called Sparrow Racing League, is actually not even about killing each other. Instead, it's a race. Another one is called Team Scorched, where you defeat your opponents with Scorch Cannons. Basically, akin to dodgeball, only with death.

7 WORST: The Bloom System

This is a hit and miss topic when it comes to shooting games, especially competitive ones - the Bloom System. This is where the aim area expands and shrinks when firing. So if players fire in quick succession, the aim area might not have shrunk down to its fullest, meaning that a lot of shots have the chance to miss. This generally means that players should time their shots to match the bloom.

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It's a system that works at a 50/50 rate, as even when you're timing the shots perfectly, you still seem to miss as much as not timing your shots. Predictably, this leads to major frustration among even the most experienced players.

6 BEST: The Variety Of Maps

First-person shooting titles like Destiny 2 needs a lot of content to keep gamers interested, especially ones that have multiple game modes, or have more people against one another. Destiny 2 has done this well when it comes to its player vs. player content, as there is a variety of maps to choose from.

However, this also reveals a glaring problem because if the map rotation system isn't good enough, then people will not see all of the maps often enough. They'll keep getting the same few maps over and over again, which will annoy players.

5 WORST: The Variety Of Maps & Modes

Maps are a double-edged sword, as you need a lot of maps to keep players entertained, but sometimes the quality will vary between each one. And gamers will quickly know what their favorite maps are and what maps they dislike.

This also goes with game modes, that of course, some will generic and have basic modes for people to play. But the fun/limited modes can easily overshadow some of the general modes that are always there. You do need this balance, though, as this will cater to everyone, not just the few.

4 BEST: Breakthrough

Breakthrough is one of the most intriguing modes from Destiny 2, as it gives the normal gameplay a bit of a twist. For those who have played Counter-Strike, your team has just planted the bomb; you need to defend that point until it explodes. Breakthrough is more or less along the same limes. It promotes taking risks.

Players need to take control of a Breaker, which allows your team to hack into the enemy's vault. If your team manages to hold this point for long enough, the round goes to you.

3 WORST: The Stats

Destiny 2 was never intended to be overly competitive, but of course, that doesn't stop fans of the game from getting extremely good. However, Destiny 2 is all about stats and the loot, which changes the standard multiplayer fair drastically.

RELATED: Destiny 2: 10 Tips For Using Shotguns In Crucible

Players can bring in their own weapons from the standard game, which gives them an unfair advantage over others. This makes the overall balance of the Crucible to fall apart at best. For players who have the best exotic equipment, will have an immediate advantage over those who do not.

2 BEST: Team Play

Some of Destiny 2's game modes could be considered lackluster that some players don't even bother messing with. Survival is one such game modes. It's easily one of the worst game modes of Destiny 2; however, it depends on how you look at it.

Playing solo in Survival would be a horrible experience, but playing as a full team and engaging as one would be worthwhile to do. It promotes team play and it shows what strengths and weaknesses your team possesses while allowing you to work on them.

1 WORST: Horrible Matchmaking

This is a massive problem with most first-person shooting titles, that matchmaking doesn't seem to exist, or it does it gets broken by teams. For those who only have the time to play a few games, so they play quickplay to get into a match fast and play. However, because many solo players and teams use this, you could have a group of six solo players vs. a team of six.

Nine times out of ten, this means the team of solos is going to get steamrolled and that maybe one guy from team solo will have to attempt to carry the rest of his team. Simply put, it's not fun.

NEXT: Destiny 2: 10 Tips For Using Submachine Guns In Crucible