Destiny combat screenshot

As a hugely ambitious RPG and first person shooter from the team behind Halo and with the promise of large scale events taking place in a persistently connected world, Bungie’s upcoming game Destiny is somewhat destined for success. Sony certainly realizes that fact, which is why they’ve teamed up with Bungie to put plenty of PlayStation-only deals in place.

It was a huge story at E3 2014 several weeks ago that a white PS4/Destiny bundle would be launching to commemorate the game’s launch, and PlayStation gamers would even be buoyed by exclusive content from launch and a PlayStation-only beta in the months leading up to it. It’s all of that PlayStation support that Sony and Bungie’s partnership is bringing that quickly became the console manufacturer's sales pitch for the PS4.

While there are clearly plenty of reasons for PlayStation players to be chuffed, for Xbox players, the picture is not so pretty. Following the news that Destinywouldn't be making ti to Xbox consoles in Japan, it has now been revealed that the PlayStation-exclusive content will be coming to Xbox players eventually, but they'll have a long wait until it does.

The suggestion comes from the game’s Amazon listing which explained that the PlayStation-exclusive content will remain as such “until at least Fall 2015.”

“For PlayStation 4 owners, Destiny offers Early access to the Beta on July 17th, and a free 30-Day PlayStation Plus Trial. Exclusive content for PlayStation 4 owners includes the Exodus Blue Competitive Multiplayer Map, Dust Palace Strike, Weapons, Ships and Gear that will only be on PlayStation until at least Fall 2015.”

While the majority of the information in that listing is correct (excluding the unconfirmed exclusivity), it has since been removed, likely to avoid riling any more Xbox players’ feathers after gamers on Microsoft’s two consoles complained that the once Xbox-only developer was ‘abandoning' them.

Destiny Features Cross-Generation Saves

While tempers over Bungie and Sony’s partnership will soothe on one side of the aisle, the other side will be intrigued to know just how much influence the developer had when it comes to PlayStation even before Destiny was announced. Speaking with TechRadar, Bungie's Head of Community Eric Osborne explained that the studio even helped influence the design of the PS4 itself:

“They worked with us, of course, on core systems and the controller itself - making it better for shooters, helping improve that for players, helping include and improve the social aspects of the game. But when we lined our pillars up with what we believed we wanted Destiny to do and put them against their pillars with what they wanted the PS4 to do it was like looking into a mirror."

The input that developers had on the PS4’s internal architecture and the controller is something that we’ve heard touted by Sony before, so it makes a lot of sense that Osborne also says Sony’s vision for next-gen “really aligned with where [Bungie] wanted to go.” He also describes them as “a really good partner” so could we see more of a partnership from Bungie and Sony in the future? It seems that it’s entirely on the cards.


Destiny releases September 9, 2014 for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: vg247, TechRadar