Engram focusing has been a key part of Destiny 2's loot grind since its introduction in 2020, but some players are asking for Bungie to expand the feature to once again feature gear from the world and foundry loot pools. The feature became an immediate hit with the game's community during Season of Arrivals thanks to how it took some power away from RNG and let players focus on farming for a specific piece of gear they may be missing or want a god roll of. While the feature has undergone some changes to accommodate for weapon crafting, some players want to see a return to the wider pool of gear options available in previous seasons.

Engram focusing originally launched in Destiny 2 as Umbral Engram Focusing inside Season of Arrivals, with players using the Prismatic Recaster to shape umbral engrams into the pieces of gear they have been hunting for. The feature proved so popular Bungie kept it in the game, though altered it to account for the growing pool of gear between general world drops and vendor specific gear. As of Season of the Witch, focusing is now limited to seasonal and vendor engrams while there is no option to focus regular engrams into specific pieces of world or foundry gear.

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Some players, though, miss the option to focus engrams into foundry and world and are asking Bungie to bring the feature back in some form if possible. Reddit user Madnishi_02 is one of these players, pointing out in his post that the last time this option was available was at the HELM's Star Chart in Season of Plunder. Their suggestion is to move this option to Banshee-44, which would fit with his role in the Tower as guardians' gunsmith.

The sentiment was shared among other users in Madnishi's thread, many of whom also had their own ideas on how Bungie could once again expand engram focusing. Some users echoed the suggested focusing engram at Banshee, with options for each of the weapon foundries narratively responsible for many weapons available to guardians. Other players suggested the ability to focus prime engrams at Master Rahool, to go alongside the Cryptarch's exotic engram focusing, due to the studio increasing the drop rates of prime engrams in more recent seasons.

With one more season to go before the launch of The Final Shape, it is entirely possible this expanded engram focusing could find its way back into the game sooner or later. Some players could argue, though, this may be easier said than done given some of the new weapon subclasses Bungie has already confirmed for the climax of the Light and Darkness Saga such as a support auto rifle and heavy sidearms that fire rockets.

Destiny 2 is currently available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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