Destiny 2's The Witch Queen expansion came out over four months ago now, and while there has only been one new Season since then, there are several things that can be deduced from the "two lies and two truths" game Savathun played. Two lies and two truths is a form of trickery game that Savathun plays with the Guardian when activating her memories through four different Altar of Reflection missions, each with its own name and its own set of four sentences that the Hive God enunciates.

Most of the things Savathun says about Destiny 2's universe and characters are quite important bits of information, but it's worth mentioning that she is the god of deceit, and the rules of her own game might not be the true ones. Still, it's worth taking a look at what Savathun says and how likely it is for it to happen or not happen in the current narrative direction Destiny 2 is taking, but also try and figure out what these riddles could mean for the future of the game.

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Destiny 2's Two Lies and Two Truths - Altar of Reflection: Pact


One of the most straightforward sets of puzzles is the one Savathun outlines in the Altar of Reflection: Pact mission. Her first sentence is that Osiris is dead, but Destiny 2 players know that this is not the case because Osiris was rescued at the end of Season of the Lost, and he was later identified as the real one by Mara Sov's Techeuns, according to lore books. The second statement says that Savathun is dead, which is correct because she died near the Last City in the events leading to the plot of The Witch Queen expansion, and she also died again in the final mission.

The third statement is that The Witness birthed the Darkness, which is also known to be false because this entity simply wants to put an end to the game that the Light and the Dark are playing. The fourth is that, in the end, the Guardian's destiny lies beyond the solar system; this is likely to be true because one can infer that the story of Destiny 2 will continue somewhere else once the Light and Dark saga is over.

Destiny 2's Two Lies and Two Truths - Altar of Reflection: Insight


Another interesting set of affirmations is the one called Insight, where Savathun begins by saying that the planets Mercury, Io, and Titan are in her care. This is extremely unlikely because the Witness clearly has some sort of world-moving power as shown at the end of The Witch Queen campaign, and because Destiny 2's new Duality Dungeon features one of Calus' memories that explains how he met The Witness on Mercury. The second and the third sentences claim that The Witness returned Mars to the solar system and that the power to move worlds will soon be in the Guardian's hands, respectively.

These two claims are quite contradictory if they are both true or both false, thus meaning that one must be correct, but it's difficult to determine which one. The most likely seems to be the latter, as it wouldn't make much sense for The Witness to return Mars to mankind, as far as the character's intentions go. The last sentence is the most likely of the bunch, as Savathun says that The Taken King will rise again. This is probably not talking about Oryx, the former Taken King, but about the possibility that someone else will obtain the power to Take and inherit Oryx's title.

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Destiny 2's Two Lies and Two Truths - Altar of Reflection: Catalyst

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The third Altar of Reflection mission is called Catalyst, and it begins with Savathun claiming that the Pyramid blade is one key to defeating The Witness. This is referring to The Enigma, the glaive that Destiny 2 players crafted at the beginning of The Witch Queen expansion, but it seems unlikely that a specific weapon type is going to allow Guardians to defeat The Witness. The second sentence is very interesting and possibly very true, as it states that The Witness seeks the final shape, but the final shape is nothing. Calus' memories show that The Witness asked him to find what remains when everything else can be removed, and by this logic (and also by the Sword Logic), the answer could very well be nothing.

The third claim entails that the Last City is not actually the last city of mankind, which is both true and possibly false depending on how one looks at it. The Last City is the last safe city on Earth because The Traveler's protective shields prevent it from being destroyed, but there are most likely other villages and cities scattered around the solar system. Yet, if it refers to another safe city for mankind, or it refers to multiple others, it could mean that with Lightfall or beyond Destiny 2 players will abandon Earth. The last affirmation is that The Witness will build their army on Mars, which has the potential of being true because of Calus building a Cabal army on the planet, and he is now one of The Witness' allies.

Destiny 2's Two Lies and Two Truths - Altar of Reflection: Choice

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The last and perhaps most complex set of puzzles is the one called Choice, which begins with Savathun stating that The Traveler will leave. This is something The Traveler has done multiple times before when fleeing the Black Fleet, but it seems that now it is prepared to make its final stand against the Darkness, which would make this statement false. The second one is more likely, as it claims that The Traveler will fall -- this is possibly an allusion to Lightfall, or maybe that at the end of the Light versus Dark saga The Traveler will meet its end.

The third claim is about The Traveler not being the only one of its kind, which would make sense from a narrative device perspective because it would allow Bungie to kill off The Traveler that Destiny 2 players know without losing the powers of the Light and their connection to all Travelers. The final affirmation Savathun makes is that the Hive are not the last to be chosen by the Light. The problem with this specific claim is that it looks both extremely likely and unlikely, as it took centuries for The Traveler to gift the powers of the Light to the Hive, even though there are other deserving races -- like Caiatl's faction of Cabal or Mithrax's faction of Fallen. Still, for this to be true one of the other statements should be false, and it's hard to pinpoint which one at this stage.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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