With the release of Destiny 2's Witch Queen DLC now behind it, Bungie is setting its sights on the imminent launch of the expansion pack's main piece of endgame content: the raid. Information has been reasonably slim on what the raid will include, with there being no official confirmation on its title, though a press release seems to have slipped up in that regard.

The latest Destiny 2 press release included a bunch of information pertaining to the Witch Queen DLC, as that was its main focus. However, it also featured a section on the upcoming world-first raid race, which is set to kick off on the 5th of March, where it plainly mentioned the title of the raid itself.

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According to Bungie's press release, the title of the Witch Queen pyramid raid is going to be "The Vow of the Disciple." While there haven't been any overt mentions of an entity called "The Disciple" in established lore, some cutscenes in the Witch Queen DLC and the fact that the raid will take place within a broken-down Darkness pyramid may suggest that a representative of an entirely new Darkness-aligned race may be making an appearance. On top of that, Bungie previously said that the Witch Queen raid will continue the narrative in some way, shape, or form.

The Darkness pyramid that sits in Savathun's throne world in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2's communities are currently sifting through the new Witch Queen lore to try and figure out what the final boss of the raid might be. Interestingly, none of the major reveals made during the Witch Queen campaign go against the theory that the pyramid raid will feature a Worm God boss. The Hive's deities seemingly don't play a major role during the campaign, so it could very well be the case that "The Disciple" is actually one of these ancient creatures.

While the nature of the pyramid raid is still a mystery, the fact that going in unprepared is unwise is a proven fact. Players are already figuring out ways to level up fast in Destiny 2 Season 16 to gear up and increase their power score to reach the contest mode limits. Whether the final boss is a Worm God or an entirely new Darkness entity, it's certain to be difficult at launch day.

Preparations for Destiny 2's next raid are now underway, then, and if the Witch Queen campaign is to be a measure of what's to come in The Vow of the Disciple, the initial raid race may well prove to be one of the most challenging ones yet. It took almost 19 hours for clan Redeem to figure everything out and win The Last Wish raid race, and something similar may be coming on March 5th, too.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is now available on PC, Stadia, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Bungie