The Traveler serves as a god in Destiny 2 in many ways. It was responsible for humanity’s Golden Age and expansion throughout the solar system. It helped terraform planets and created the possibility of humans becoming an interstellar species. This was also done for the Eliksni in the past and in many ways both races revere and worship the Traveler. Despite this god-like status that the Traveler has achieved in Destiny 2, it’s painfully clear that its power is limited, and its wisdom might be even more so.

Many would likely equate godliness with omnipotence and omniscience even within Destiny 2. The Traveler is revered and many people in Destiny 2’s story don’t see a reason to ever question it. Despite this and how devout the Vanguard's leaders do try to be to the Light it’s clear that the force that maintains their powers is not equal to the one that gifted them with the Ghosts. While the Traveler and the Light might be seen as one and the same, as the Darkness and pyramid ships are by many, it’s been demonstrated in Destiny 2 that the Traveler has made questionable decisions even in the time before The Witch Queen. In some cases, there could even be arguments that there are outright mistakes concerning who is gifted a Ghost and the power of the Light in Destiny 2.

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Evil Guardians in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Player In A Cutscene

For humanity, this comes in the shape of Dredgen Yor. Originally known as Rezyl Azzir, he was gifted the Light during humanity’s Dark Age. Rezyl was a hero that worked to protect that Last City at its start and condemned those that used the Light for their own gain and power while the rest of humanity struggled. For much of his life, he was praised by others and his combat skills were effective answers to the Fallen that would attack the Last City. At first, he seemed like the perfect champion of the Light but in time he fell. Transformed into Dredgen Yor he committed atrocities all while wielding his exotic hand cannon Thorn, the inspiration for the Thorn armor sets from the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack.

Much like Dredgen Yor was also the Warlords that arose around the same time as him. While the Iron Banner continues to be an homage to the strength of the Iron Lords the Warlords are described as violent and merciless. They used the Light for their own gain and subjugated other survivors by demanding tribute for the areas that fell under their domain. Many of the Warlords lacked the honor that the Iron Lords would have and like Dredgen Yor are an early example of how the Traveler’s chosen were not always the right people to resurrect.

These Guardians might stand out as few and far between now that The Witch Queen's Legendary campaign has been released, but they work as prime examples of how the Traveler’s gift of Light doesn’t always make it to the right people. The power that it gifts can be abused and there’s no guarantee that the Traveler knows that who it resurrects will turn out to be a good person. Dredgen Yor and the Warlords acted in ways many would consider being dark and while they may seem distant now it’s clear that there are still problematic individuals that can be gifted the Light.

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Hive Lightbearers in The Witch Queen

A new statue of Savathun is available for Destiny 2 players to pre-order.

The idea that not everyone who is gifted the Light is a good person becomes even more prevalent in The Witch Queen expansion for Destiny 2. The Hive have been a primary enemy in Destiny 2 since the first game. The records kept of the species describe terrible acts and bloody campaigns aimed at crippling the Tower, the Traveler, and the Light. To many, the Hive is seen as the prime example of what devout followers of the Darkness are like and its adoption of the Sword Logic even led to the infighting that may have set up a successor to Oryx’s throne.

Despite all of this and the continued violence that the Sol system experiences at the hands of the Hive, the Lucent Brood has been born. Light-wielding members of the Hive have become a consistent part of Destiny 2 following the launch of The Witch Queen and players encounter a lot of Hive Ghosts that they crush in the heat of battle. Despite the many Guardians of humanity that the Traveler has gifted with Light it has also chosen some of the most dangerous beings in the universe to wield a power that many have deemed sacred. This could signify a plethora of different circumstances, but it also points to something important, despite the power the Traveler has displayed it’s not all-knowing.

The Traveler will share the power of the Light and through those it resurrects, and even choose protectors, but it doesn’t seem to be aware of the actions of these people or what they will do once they receive this power. With Dredgen Yor and others like him, it’s clear that the Traveler made mistakes and now with the Lucent Hive this continues. Despite how captivating The Witch Queen’s campaign is its introduction of Hive Ghosts and Light-wielding members of the Hive has essentially kicked off a civil war. A unified front of Light-wielders has resided in Sol for years following the establishment of the Last City and the battle of Twilight Gap but now Lightbearers have been split even more so than when Stasis was introduced in the Beyond Light expansion.

The ramifications of this are about as clear as the reasoning itself. The Witch Queen and its campaign have provided a lot of critical information regarding the Hive’s past as well as the Traveler’s efforts to evade the Darkness’ most influential emissaries but now its efforts to protect itself seem to be in an incredibly delicate balance. The two strongest species that have been gifted with Light continue to fight one another and this struggle will likely continue clear through Season of the Risen in Destiny 2.

If the infighting between Light-wielders subsides over time an incredibly strong alliance could be formed. The Hive’s use of throne worlds and connection to the Ascendant Realm could benefit the Vanguard immensely and the skill with the Light that Guardians have would be equally helpful. However, if the fighting continues then whatever enemy resides in The Witch Queen’s raid might be the least of the problems facing the Traveler and the Light in the coming years of Destiny 2.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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