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After Destiny 2 players collect their loot from the previous encounter and take a moment to prepare their loadouts as needed, they can proceed beyond the door that they just unlocked to head to the second encounter of King's Fall.

Unlike the first encounter, Warpriest is a more traditional boss encounter that serves as a very difficult and unforgiving DPS (damage per second) check. Though this encounter is significantly more difficult than the first one, players will not need to worry about Champions this time around. This guide will help Destiny 2 players get a better understanding of how the mechanics of this encounter work and how they can overcome them.

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Destiny 2 Warpriest Guide


For this encounter, players should equip Linear Fusion Rifles for damaging the Destiny raid boss. Sniper Rifles are good as well, and having one player in the group using Divinity is recommended.

Weapons that specialize in add (short for additional enemies) clear are essential, so primaries like Witherhoard, Osteo Striga, and Outbreak Perfected are good options here.

Once players have their weapons, armor, and subclass ready, they will need to have someone standing on all three plates in the room to summon the Warpriest and start the fight. Players should divide into three groups of two, and the three groups will position themselves near the plates.

Once the Warpriest emerges, adds will spawn on his left and right. Don't bother shooting the Warpriest, as he is currently immune to all damage. Once enough adds are killed, Blistered Wizards will spawn on each side.

Once they are killed, two knights will spawn. Upon the two knights being killed, players will see a message appear in the left-hand corner of the screen that says, "Glyph reading sequence started." This means that it is time to trigger the damage phase. However, in order to damage the boss, players will first need to stand on the three plates in the correct order.

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Stepping on the Plates and Dealing Damage


In order to do this, one Destiny 2 player will need to step on the plate in the middle of the room and check the pillars on the left and right. Whichever pillar lights up first indicates which plate is first in the sequence.

If neither pillar lights up, then the middle plate is first in the sequence. Regardless of which plate it is, the player standing on the middle plate should step off the plate once they know where the sequence starts.

Once the order is known, players should step onto the plates in the order shown. Make sure to stay on the plate, or the sequence will break. The player who stands on the last plate in the sequence will be surrounded by a red aura called Aura of the Initiate. Once a player has the aura, all players should group together so that they are all inside the red aura emanated by the player who has the brand.

Any player standing in the red aura will be able to damage the Warpriest. But whichever player has the aura on them will need to keep an eye on the timer in the lower left-hand corner of their screen. If the timer expires, they die.

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In order to prevent this, one player in the group will immediately need to start roaming around the room to look for a Taken knight called Blightguard. This player must kill the knight as fast as possible and pick up the orb that it drops.

Just like in the Totem encounter, the orb allows the player that picks it up to steal the aura from the player that currently holds it. Once the aura is stolen, another player will go and search for the next Blightguard. They will then use the orb to steal the aura. This allows the damage phase to go on for as long as possible.

Repeat this until a message in the lower left-hand corner says: "The Warpriest calls upon the Oculus." Once this message appears, the giant sphere above the Warpriest begins to glow with white light. The three pillars will cast a shadow, and players must group together behind one of the pillars.

Any player that is in line of sight of the sphere will be killed immediately. Once the light fades away, the pillar that was used for cover will be destroyed. At this point, adds will spawn once again, and players will need to repeat the entire process again to trigger a second damage phase.

Make Every Phase Count


Since each damage phase results in one of the pillars getting destroyed, that means that players will only get four damage phases in this encounter. If players cannot do enough damage across all four damage phases, they will die when the Warpriest activates the Oculus for the fourth time.

This is why it is very important that players optimize their damage output as much as possible and steal the aura before it kills a player, as having even a single player dead can result in not enough DPS to take down the Warpriest.

If players manage to stay on top of the mechanics and do as much damage as efficiently possible, they will be able to take down the Warpriest and claim another chest of Destiny 2 loot. After that, it is on to the next boss.

Destiny 2 is now available for Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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