One major concern of Destiny 2 players prior to the release of The Witch Queen and Season of the Risen was that the Void 3.0 update was going to be underwhelming, and especially so for Titans and Hunters. While not all three classes are equally balanced - Hunters got all three of their Aspects to revolve around recently nerfed invisibility - the Void 3.0 update was successful enough to show the game's Light subclasses can be as good as Stasis. Although Stasis was initially overtuned compared to Light subclasses, Bungie has made several adjustments since the release of Beyond Light, to the point that the Darkness classes are now more streamlined.

Void 3.0 changes to Destiny 2 classes are great, and they are heralds of what Light subclasses can be when they all get reworked, but this direction is not necessarily sustainable. The reason why the new Void subclasses are so powerful is they have plenty of Aspects and Fragments, or even Exotics in some cases, that tie the whole thing together for uptime on all abilities. Having a sandbox where players can constantly spam grenades, powered melee attacks, and class abilities is not really optimal for the sake of balancing other classes, and Bungie might have to take a step back.

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Why Destiny 2's Void 3.0 Subclasses Might Be Too Strong


One of the main reasons why Bungie nerfed many of Destiny 2's abilities prior to The Witch Queen was that the developer wanted to have a sandbox focused more on gunplay than ability casting. However, Void 3.0's current state contradicts that, as players can often use their grenades every few seconds to deal enormous damage and control the battleground at the same time, applying debuffs like Suppressed. Suppressed is such a potent detrimental effect that Bungie ended up nerfing the new Suppressing Glaive seasonal mod despite glaives being nowhere near being meta picks in the endgame. Having that on command through grenades is very strong.

While part of the appeal of the Void 3.0 update is the fact that there are plenty of great seasonal mods to use, such as Devouring Depths and Volatile Flow, the new subclasses are built in a way that makes them self-sufficient when these mods rotate out. Maybe the Hunters' Moebius Quiver won't be a top DPS pick like it is with Devouring Depths, but it will remain strong with Exotics like Star-Eater Scales and Orpheus Rig. Volatile Flow is not going to be a big loss either, because a new Fragment does exactly the same thing on grenade kill.

Overall, the problem is that power creep brought by the new Void subclasses is ridiculous, to the point that many Destiny 2 players can steamroll through the game's activities with new Void builds, and they are only limited by the restrictions of Power Level in the endgame. Both the Arc 3.0 and Solar 3.0 updates will either have to stick with Void's levels of power creep to remain relevant, or be kept in check to not break the game before the release of Lightfall. These options are not great, and Bungie might have to nerf Void subclasses before next Season to avoid them overpowering new reworks.

Destiny 2's meta is often in a fragile state because there are so many elements that combine to define it. Having subclasses that are maybe too powerful is not sustainable for the state of the meta, and it can take its toll on future releases. Ultimately, even though the Void 3.0 is fun and feels better than ever, it needs to avoid the same issues that Stasis saw at launch.

Destiny 2 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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