With its new expansion Shadowkeep, Destiny 2 plans to offer players a Rise of Iron-size experience that will start them off into Year 3 and Season 8 of Bungie’s expanding online game. Today, Bungie gave Destiny 2 players their first information as to how this new approach to Seasons will work, along with some details about the activities being added with Shadowkeep.

While Game Director Luke Smith didn’t say much about it, he did reveal that Destiny 2: Shadowkeep will add a new matchmade activity called Vex Offensive for Season Pass owners. This activity will have its own set of rewards and bounties. It might not be the only one, but it sounds as though Vex Offensive will be a source of powerful rewards for Destiny 2 players each week on their path to the “power level cap” of 960.

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Since the Season of Undying is focused around the idea of a Vex portal opening in the Black Garden, it only makes sense that the key activity focus around the robotic race. Whether or not Vex Offensive will take place in the Black Garden, on the moon, or somewhere else is unclear.

In Smith’s new blog post, he revealed that Destiny 2 is adding a Battle Pass-style Season Pass where players can unlock items on either a free track or a premium track. On the premium track, players will unlock new legendary armor sets just for purchasing the Season Pass, whereas those players on the free track will need to wait until rank 25.

  • Season Pass owners get access to a new seasonal activity, the Vex Offensive, which includes:
    • Four Legendary Weapon drops
    • Additional weekly and daily bounties
    • Additional weekly challenges with powerful rewards

However, if players want versions of this legendary armor with higher tier stats, Bungie says that Vex Offensive will be the mode to focus on. The activity also includes four different legendary weapons as part of its loot pool.

Of course, with all of the details about Vex Offensive, Bungie still leaves out some of the biggest pieces of information. Specifcally, fans still don’t know what Vex Offensive is.

destiny 2 season of the undying vex cinematic

Given how activities in Year 2 like Blind Well, the Black Armory Forges, and Menagerie worked, there are some educated guesses to be made, but Luke Smith has said previously that some of those modes did not turn out like the studio planned. One of the elements that Smith did say that he enjoyed about Menagerie specifically is that the fireteam could fail forward and never feel like they outright “lost.”

Vex Offensive could be another horde-like experience or it could have an interesting progression like Menagerie – Destiny 2 might have more to say about that later or they could leave it for the official release date of Shadowkeep in October.

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep releases October 1, 2019 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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