After being requested for years, a Legendary, challenging version of an expansion campaign has finally made it to Destiny 2. The Witch Queen expansion drops players deep into the Throne World of Savathun, and right off the bat, players can choose whether to head in through normal difficulty (Brave) or the hard difficulty (Legendary).

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Those courageous enough to try their hand at the Legendary Witch Queen campaign will need to prepare themselves, especially when starting at the measly level 1350 light. However, getting through this campaign should reward players with immense light level gains, as the final missions hover around 1500, as does the loot. Here's what to do to survive the Witch Queen's Legendary campaign in Destiny 2.

Buy A Lot Of Rally Banners

Destiny 2 Hawthorne Rally Banner Legendary Shard Trade

Since the campaign is Legendary, its key encounters will be similar to raid encounters. Each fireteam member will only have one resurrection token, and when a guardian dies, the timer to resurrect them is quite short at around 30 seconds. This means players need to move fast and stay safe.

It also means that wiping will be quite common initially. Some of the boss fights in the campaign are nothing to scoff at, so preparing a bunch of rally banners is key before diving straight into the story's Legendary mode. Buy them for Legendary Shards at the Tower from Hawthorne.

Complete The Campaign With A Fireteam

Destiny 2 Fireteam In Throne World Orbit

Having a group of friends to play with is a luxury that not all players have, but those who do have friends should absolutely hop in together and experience the story as a team. Moreover, it will yield greater XP gain as a fireteam enjoys the Shared Wisdom buff.

Having a fireteam doesn't necessarily make the campaign easier, but some encounters can be easier to manage with multiple different builds and classes. That said, solo players will see their campaign scaled to the number of people on their fireteam, so if players do want to hop in alone, it's totally a possibility, but restricting in terms of abilities.

Take Advantage Of The New Void Subclasses

Destiny 2 Void Guardian

Bungie wouldn't release Void 3.0 without actually making it good on the very first day, and it definitely shows. The new Void subclass abilities are absolutely fantastic and work brilliantly in the campaign. Warlocks in particular will see a lot of value out of the Child of the Old Gods aspect, which creates a Void soul that damages and weakens nearby enemies when the player casts a rift.

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Hunters with extended invisibility and Titans with an upgraded Shield Throw and Ward of Dawn also make amazing additions to any fireteam, so definitely don't ignore the new Void aspects and fragments, as they can help clear ads and support the fireteam in unexpected ways.

For those who can't be bothered with Void, however, Stasis is a very powerful option as well. Hunters in particular will see a lot of value out of their Revenant subclass, and as seen in the next tip, Stasis builds will pair nicely with any Stasis Elemental Well builds, too.

Find The Right Weapons

Destiny 2 Gjallarhorn Detail Screen

In terms of weapons and meta, everything is still a bit up in the air. The artifact definitely seems to lean towards Glaives, Void abilities, and Elemental Wells, so players should try to focus on those to create a build that best fits their needs. Glaives are nice as they reduce incoming damage from enemies when players deal sustained damage on a target but might require a bit of a learning curve.

For primary and secondary weapons, keep an eye out for any new weapon drops that come with foundry perks. These can be incredibly powerful depending on the type of weapon and make ad-clearing a piece of cake even on Legendary mode. Honorary mention to the abundance of Stasis weapons that were added to the game as well that play perfectly into Stasis builds.

Those who bought the 30th Anniversary update and unlocked the Gjallarhorn will be happy to hear that it's easily one of the best DPS heavy weapons for the Legendary campaign. Wolf Pack Rounds and Pack Hunter will be working overtime to melt big bosses, so if one person on the fireteam has the Gjally and the rest at the very least use Legendary rocket launchers, players will see significant damage.

Aggressively Infuse Armor And Weapons During The Campaign

Destiny 2 Player Infusing Warlock Bond

Double the loot means double the power level gains. As soon as the first encounter chests open, players will be granted Upgrade Modules, which is perfect for infusing armor and weapons on the spot. Given how many of these Modules are given in almost every chest, players shouldn't hesitate to infuse, infuse and infuse.

Make sure to check the postmaster regularly as well. Double loot will quickly fill up the player's inventory, and sometimes high light level gear gets dropped into the postmaster instead. Use the Destiny Item Manager to pull these items while mid-campaign mission.

Apply Protective Armor Mods

Destiny 2 Chest Piece Mods

Enemies will be much more vicious in the Legendary campaign. Players should immediately apply protective armor mods in order to have plenty of sustain during difficult fights. Although Protective Light was nerfed to a 10% damage reduction, it's still a good choice for many players.

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One of the greatest threats during the campaign is Scorn snipers that use Void weapons. These enemies are able to one-shot players from across the map quite easily, which can very quickly lead to resurrection tokens being drained and a boss fight going sour. Apply Sniper Resistance and Void Resistance mod to chest pieces before going in.

Have All Four Elements At Hand

Destiny 2 Player Killing Scorn Chieftain

While there won't be Champions in the Legendary campaign, there will be elemental shields that can be extremely tedious to destroy. In the first part of the campaign where players venture into Savathun's castle area, Arc shield Hive knights, in particular, will be quite abundant.

Once dealing with the Scorn, Chieftains will have almost every type of shield, from Solar to Arc, to Void. Make sure that the fireteam can deal with these shields by someone either having the Arbalest or by having a weapon of each elemental type equipped.

How To Deal With The Hive Guardians

Destiny 2 Player Destroying Hive Ghost

Contrary to popular belief, the Hive guardians or Lightbearers aren't the worst the campaign has to offer. They can be deadly if not dealt with correctly, but typically players will have plenty of time to react to whatever the Lucent Brood throws their way.

One thing to keep in mind is that whenever these Hive Guardians use their Super, a message will appear on the left stating "A Hive Lieutenant wields the Light!". Players should take cover when this happens. Moreover, one fireteam member, preferably with good mobility, should look to quickly reach the Lightbearer's ghost when they're killed to quickly destroy it and stop it from spawning again.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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