Fans should expect a Destiny 2 character to die sometime in the next month. If the events leading up to The Witch Queen expansion weren’t enough, the return of the Spoiler Alert sidearm all-but confirms that a major death is on the way. While fans of Destiny 2 have tried to decipher who’s the most likely to die, there are only a couple of clear choices. While there is a real possibility that characters beyond Osiris and Crow could die, few of them have been in fate’s crosshairs the way.

This makes their possible deaths predictable, but they would also play a key role in Destiny 2’s story. The loss of either or both characters would have profound impacts on the others in Destiny 2, and the player community. Their deaths would be a major driving force for the game’s new campaign in The Witch Queen, and the absence of Crow or Osiris from the cast would likely have a ripple effect comparable to the loss of Cayde-6 in Forsaken. While some fans might not like it, Crow and Osiris should be the only real options when it comes to killing characters in Destiny 2.

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Why Crow and Osiris Should Die

The Warlock Osiris from Destiny 2.

Season of the Lost in Year 4 of Destiny 2 primed Crow or Osiris to be the next characters on the chopping block. While there are other options such as Saint 14, losing him now wouldn’t necessarily make sense. Similarly, if Destiny 2 chooses characters other than Osiris or Crow, the action might be seen as insincere and for shock value more than to move the narrative of the series along in any meaningful way.

This mostly stems from how the relationship between Crow and Osiris has been depicted in Destiny 2, as well as their unique proximity to Savathun, the Witch Queen. With the next expansion named after the Hive Goddess, it makes sense that she’ll be the big bad Guardians have to face. While normally this is enough of a reason to enter the fight, Savathun’s status as one of the three major Hive Gods isn't the only driving force for players to engage her in her throne world. Her infiltration of the Last City to escape her sister Xivu Arath, and her deception of the Vanguard, have laid the foundations for her to be the focus of hurt and blame.

It’s not necessary for Savathun to be the one to kill either Crow or Osiris for their deaths to be blamed on her. Osiris' fate in Destiny 2 is already unclear, and Crow has been out on his own in a somewhat self-destructive fashion for much of Season of the Lost. Her meddling with these two characters could make her the focus of the Vanguard’s revenge should they die. Savathun has used a heavy hand when it comes to influencing recent events in Destiny 2, something that has not gone unnoticed, and this could very well result in the death of major characters.

Savathun sees herself as above those around her, even the Light and Darkness, so the loss of Crow or Osiris wouldn’t be something that affects her personally. Her use of them through Year 4 would place much of the blame on her. Whether Savathun chooses to admit it or not, her actions have put a lot of characters at risk, with Crow and Osiris now in vulnerable positions as the story of Destiny 2 moves toward the Witch Queen expansion.

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Mara Sov Could Die in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Mara Sov During The Season of The Lost

While not many other deaths would make as much sense, there are some possibilities that wouldn’t necessarily take away from the overall impact on the story. This would have to be done carefully, though. While Saint 14 is a solid possible victim due to his headstrong approach to finding and saving Osiris, a heartbreaking moment between Saint 14 and Osiris could lean too much into shock factor. Mara Sov, however, could be a victim that makes sense depending on how the coming weeks play out.

Mara’s proximity to Savathun makes her possibly the only character to rival Crow and Osiris as death fodder. She’s actively trying to exorcise Savathun’s Worm, which would relieve her of her need to pay tribute to the Worm Gods and increase Savathun’s potential power. While in the immediate moments following this action Savathun would likely be weakened, there’s no real reason to believe that Mara Sov would be able to kill the Witch Queen outside her throne world. Assuming Savathun still has access to her oversoul after her Worm is removed, it might not even be possible to kill her without destroying that.

This fact wouldn’t stop Mara Sov from at least trying. The Awoken Queen has shown herself to be tactically brilliant and headstrong. If Mara Sov believes that she might be able to kill Savathun and gain anything significant from it, she’s likely to try. Eleusinia might be corrupted by the Taken, but its past use means that Mara Sov knows it can be a haven. If the final weeks of Season of the Lost both provide a way to exorcise Savathun’s worm and preserve Mara Sov’s throne world through the use of Techeuns, the Awoken Queen could have a feasible way to circumvent death.

However, this would still take away from her potential death at the hands of Savathun, and ultimately reinforces the fact that Osiris and Crow are the best characters to kill off. While either character would be missed, their deaths would have profound impacts. For a game like Destiny 2, this is important, and in their loss the series would have another pivotal moment that holds as much weight as the murder of Cayde-6.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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