
  • Enter the Pale Heart to see Destiny's iconic locations reimagined in The Final Shape expansion.
  • Explore the new version of Destiny's Tower in The Final Shape, familiar yet different.
  • The Pale Heart's Tower maintains the same layout as the original, but with some key components missing.

One of the key characteristics of Destiny 2's Final Shape expansion is the nostalgia-inducing reimagining of everything players have experienced during their time in Destiny and Destiny 2. As players journey into the Pale Heart of the Traveler in pursuit of The Witness, the landscape begins to take shape, eventually becoming an abstract representation of Destiny's most iconic images and locations. This is all due to the Pale Heart's ability to be transformed according to the memories and imagination of those who enter it, so as Guardians step inside, they begin to see the world they've spent a decade with taking on an entirely different appearance but still maintaining its identity.

The location many players have most been looking forward to visiting in Destiny 2's Final Shape expansion is the Tower from the first game. Those who had the privilege of experiencing Destiny in its earliest years know the Tower all too well, as they likely spent a significant amount of time there, much like they now have in Destiny 2's Tower. However, the version of Destiny's Tower that is now present within The Final Shape's Pale Heart is a bit different, not unrecognizably so, but just enough to set it apart from the home base players became familiar with in the first game. As such, it's worth examining how this new Tower compares to the original in its layout, structure, and appearance.

How Destiny 2's Final Shape Campaign Stacks Up Against Forsaken and The Witch Queen

Destiny 2's Forsaken and Witch Queen campaigns have long been considered the game's best, but they may have met their match with The Final Shape.

Comparing Destiny 2: The Final Shape's D1 Tower to the Original

The Pale Heart's D1 Tower Maintains the Same Structural Layout

As far as the overall structural layout of the Pale Heart's Tower goes, it's almost identical to the original Destiny Tower. From a layout standpoint, everything is exactly where it was in the original Tower, to the point that it's possible to take screenshots of the Pale Heart's version and line them up exactly with the original Tower. Of course, there are plenty of things missing from this version of Destiny's Tower that were in the original.

There Are Several Things Missing From The Pale Heart's D1 Tower

In the Pale Heart Tower's Tower Watch plaza, veteran players will find that everything is exactly where they left it, but with a massive cosmetic overhaul now. There is still one Vault available via a console embedded into the base of one of the trees growing out from where the old Vaults used to be, but the others are inaccessible. The Postbox is exactly where the Postmaster used to be in the original Tower, but the Eververse store that used to be on the other side of that building is missing. Players can find Cayde-6 standing near where Xander 99-40, the Bounty Tracker, once was, and trees have grown over where Master Rahool's stall and Banshee's shop used to be. Furthermore, the Tower Hangar has been completely closed off due to vegetation growth.

Traveler's Walk, which was the large courtyard on the east side of the original Destiny's Tower, has been made permanently inaccessible in the Pale Heart's Tower. Players can venture downstairs to where the Hall of Guardians was in Destiny, but a tunnel of tree roots leading to the Tower's exterior has replaced it in the Pale Heart's version. Tower North is still open in the Pale Heart's Tower, and this is actually where players will meet Cayde-6 during The Final Shape's campaign. Here, veteran players can revisit the Speaker's platform where they were directed to shortly after the first Destiny's prologue mission. Unfortunately, every other area in Tower North is blocked off.

For the most part, the Pale Heart's Tower in The Final Shape stays true to the original. Its structural layout is nearly identical to the first, but it is missing some of the original's key components. However, this is all understandable, as it fits in with The Final Shape's narrative and what has now been made available to players in Destiny 2's Tower.