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The past few weeks of More Than a Weapon in Destiny 2 have helped set the scene for an impressive third week in the storyline for Season 19. Aside from gathering submind data to restore Rasputin, players have also been trying to gain access to an orbital station that will allow Rasputin to regain control over the Warsat Network once he has been restored.

The objective for this part of More Than a Weapon also ties into the Exotic quest for Revision Zero, so players interested in getting this brand-new weapon will want to do this week's story quest. Here is how players can complete Week 3 of More Than a Weapon and get Revision Zero.

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Speak to Clovis


As always, the first step of Week 3 is for Destiny 2 players to go to the H.E.L.M. and interact with the Exo Frame to talk to Clovis Bray. He is pleased to announce that the launch codes for the orbital elevator have been decoded, but before any attempts to take the orbital station can be made he needs more submind data.

Unlock a Seraph Chest


To proceed, Destiny 2 players will need to load up the Hesit Battleground playlist and loot the Seraph Chest at the end with Seraph Key Codes. It costs 500 Seraph Key Codes to open the chest. If players do not have enough Seraph Key Codes to open the chest, they can easily get more by completing a couple of activities in one of the three Core Playlists.

Once players have looted the chest, they will need to return to the H.E.L.M. and use the Holoprojector near the Exo Frame. The Exo Stranger explains the operation to get onboard the Orbital Station and upload a virus onto it. After she's done talking, players will also get the quest to get Revision Zero. Both quests happen in the same area, in a new Exotic mission called Operation: Seraph's Shield.

Operation: Seraph's Shield


When loading into Operation: Seraph's Shield from the Director, Destiny 2 players will have two options. They can either load into the Normal version or the Legend version. While there are no Champions in the Legend version, it is tuned exactly like the Legendary Campaign for Witch Queen, so players will need to prepare for a tough mission. For both More Than a Weapon and getting Revision Zero, it does not matter which difficulty players choose.

This mission can be tough, so players looking to just complete the story should consider bringing a team with them. This is especially the case if they choose to do Legend difficulty. This mission begins exactly like the Operations in previous weeks. Destiny 2 players will need to cross the open terrain to reach the facility. As before, they will need to stay out of sight of the towers and move toward the entrance of the facility.


Operation: Seraph's Shield bears a lot of similarities to the Deep Stone Crypt raid. Aside from having the same visual design and anesthetics, players will need to pick up Augments that allow them to see terminals that can be interacted with, and panels that can be shot. Just inside the facility, players will learn how to use the first Augment called Scanner.

In the room where players get the Scanner buff, look around for three terminals that can be hacked. Once all terminals have been hacked, several pods will descend and players will be able to use them to go up into the orbital station. After taking a moment to appreciate the view, continue onward and use the Scanner buff to hack terminals and open locked doors.


Sometimes players will come across doors that can only be opened by depositing their Augment into the terminal. If players should happen to lose their Augment, have it deactivated, or use it to open a door, they can get another one as the enemy that carries it will respawn regularly to prevent players from getting stuck. Destiny 2 players will need to look around for vents to get into some of the rooms that have hackable terminals.

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How to Complete the Microwave Room Puzzle


Not long into the mission, players will encounter a room with an unpleasant trap. Simply wandering in toward the terminals triggers a trap that kills all players in the room. To make it through this room alive, players will need to use the Scanner Augment to look for a safe path through the trap while also identifying which terminals need to be hacked to open the door on the other side and deactivate the death trap.

There are two windows that give players a view of the room. The one on the top allows players with the Scanner Augment to see which terminals are safe to hack. The one on the bottom allows players with the Scanner Augment to see which tiles are safe to stand on and which ones will result in instant death.


The idea behind this puzzle is for one player to navigate through the room while the other two players guide them on where the safe path is and what terminals need to be activated. Attempting to bring the Scanner Augment into this room results in it getting deactivated. For solo players who may be struggling to remember the safe path and which terminals to use, they may want to consider taking a screenshot to have that information on hand.

The terminals that need to be hacked change every time that players do this mission, so make sure to check before going into the room.

Operator Augment


After making it through the room with the trap, players will encounter another Augment they will need to manage. This one is called Operator and allows the user to see panels that can be destroyed by shooting them. These panels will open doors and vents, allowing access to rooms that have terminals that can be hacked by a player with the Scanner Augment. In order to proceed, players will need to keep going until they kill an enemy that drops a Warsat Control Nexus Keycard.

Get "Captured"


The Exo Stranger soon runs into a locked door that she can't help players get past. So she comes up with an idea for players to get captured by Eramis's forces. Before players can do that, they will need to cause a commotion by fighting a large Hive boss and then killing all the House of Salvation reinforcements that enter the room. This area is a respawn restricted zone, so players will need to be careful.

After clearing the enemies out, players will need to move forward and approach a window where a bunch of enemies are watching them. A prompt to "surrender" weapons will come up, and Destiny 2 players cannot proceed until they do so. The nearby Servitor teleports them onto the enemy ship, and then the Exo Stranger transfers weapons back to players. Activate several nearby terminals, proceed forward, and prepare to take a little walk outside the orbital station.

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Outside the Seraph Station


As players emerge from the Ketch, they will find themselves in the vacuum of space. To get back into the Seraph Station, Destiny 2 players will have to jump across a series of platforms along the side of the station. During this section, enemies will be sniping them, so it is recommended to have a long range weapon equipped to deal with them.

Near the end of this platforming section, players will find the Operator Augment. There are three panels that can be shot that open additional platforms. This allows players to jump back into the station. Just beyond this point, players will fight the large Hive Knight from earlier.

Oppressor Augment


Just before the end of this mission, players will encounter a Servitor that they cannot damage. There are also several drones floating in the air and an enemy that has an Augment called Suppressor. Stand under every drone and shoot at the Servitor. This opens a door that leads to a device generating the shield on the Servitor. Destroy it and then destroy the Servitor.

Defeat Praksis


Destiny 2 players who have completed the Beyond Light Campaign will recognize a familiar face as they enter the Warsat Control Nexus. In order to complete the mission, players must defeat a Scorn version of Praksis. Lots of Scorn spawn throughout this fight, so be careful as they can freeze players with Stasis abilities.

Every time Praksis loses 33% health, he will gain a shield. The only way to bring the shield down is by getting the Suppressor Augment and shooting him while standing under each drone. Doing so opens up three doors on the left, right, and middle of the room that contain shield generators. Destroy the shield generators and Praksis will lose his shield. Repeat this process until Praksis dies, and then move on to the nearby room to upload the virus and complete the mission.

Interact With the Exo Frame


After the mission ends, return to the H.E.L.M. and speak with Clovis Bray. He is glad to hear that the mission was a success, but he admits that Rasputin is not yet ready to be uploaded into the station. This is where the quest ends for this week, and players will have to wait until next week to continue the story.

Destiny 2 is available now on Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.