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Season 19 of Destiny 2, or Season of the Seraph, is centered around Clovis Bray, the Warmind Rasputin, and features Ana Bray with Osiris with a hint of Mara Sov in the mix. It should be no surprise then that the style of the seasonal weapons is quite simple and futuristic, mimicking the functional aesthetic of the Warmind.

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Once again, players will be earning patterns for seasonal weapons by completing seasonal content, eventually allowing them to craft these into their ideal godrolls. There are a few cool weapons in the mix, including the new Ambush Origin Trait which is found on all the new Seraph weapons of season 19. Here's which weapons from Season of the Seraph are the best in Destiny 2. Note that returning IKELOS weapons are not included in this list.

6 Path Of Least Resistance

Destiny 2 Path Of Least Resistance Trace Rifle

Trace rifles are still not in a great spot in Destiny 2, save for a few Exotic outliers that have recently received buffs. Legendary trace rifles continue to be quite useless in PVE and PVP, which is why this Arc trace rifle ranks at the bottom of the season 19 weapon tier list.

Path of Least Resistance does come with some cool rolls regardless of it being a trace rifle. For the first column, Subsistence is undoubtedly one of the best perks, and in its second column, Voltshot makes it particularly useful in Arc 3.0 builds. Is it a must-have and must-craft? Probably not.

5 Judgment Of Kelgorath

Destiny 2 Judgment Of Kelgorath Glaive

Another archetype that might make some players cringe is the glaive. This season, Judgment of Kelgorath is a brand-new Solar glaive that can be crafted, and with a set of perks that could potentially make it go head to head with Lubrae's Ruin, the Solar glaive found in the Vow of the Disciple raid.

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In the first column, look for Demolitionist, Pugilist, and Overflow, the latter being an especially interesting addition to a Special weapon's perk pool. In the second, perks like Surrounded, Incandescent, Unstoppable Force, and Wellspring are fantastic in PVE. Thanks to Incandescent, this weapon could be a decent choice for some mid-tier Solar 3.0 builds.

4 Tripwire Canary

Destiny 2 Tripwire Canary Bow

Bows may be a part of the seasonal artifact anti-champion mods, but that doesn't mean that the community is a huge fan of bows. Bungie has been trying to make bows more appealing as an archetype, but much remains to be done to make weapons like Tripwire Canary truly powerful.

This Arc bow will come in handy for players who have yet to acquire a bow of the Arc element and might need it for Grandmaster Nightfalls later in the season. In the first column, Archer's Tempo and Rapid Hit are good options, and in the second, look for Successful Warm-Up and Explosive Head. For some niche melee builds, Swashbuckler is also a decent choice.

3 Retrofit Escapade

Destiny 2 Retrofit Escapade Machine Gun

A Void machine gun, this heavy weapon is another case of being part of an archetype that just isn't that much in the spotlight right now. Even with all the buffs that machine guns received, they haven't fully made an entrance into endgame PVE, save for a few Exotic ones. Even then, linear fusion rifles and rocket launchers reign supreme.

Retrofit Escapade's first column has options like Field Prep, Feeding Frenzy, and Heating Up. In the second column, Golden Tricorn, Rampage, Frenzy, or even Vorpal Weapon are all somewhat desirable, with a preference for the first three to aid with ad-clearing, which is where machine guns typically shine. Given its Void affinity, it will likely do wonderfully with any Void 3.0 builds as well.

2 Fire And Forget

Destiny 2 Fire And Forget Linear Fusion Rifle

Now on to some real powerhouses released in the Season of the Seraph. With Reed's Regret tossed into the back of the content vault, players now have access to Fire and Forget, which may not have quite as juicy of a perk pool but is still a nice heavy damage option in a linear fusion rifle meta.

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For the first column, Field Prep, Headstone, and Surplus are good options, with Killing Wind being the best in PVP game modes. The second perk column definitely favors Focused Fury for that consistent boss DPS, and if not, players should go for Vorpal Weapon at the very least to get that maximum damage boost against bosses and other major enemies.

1 Disparity

Destiny 2 Disparity Pulse Rifle

The best, must-have seasonal weapon this season is Disparity, a powerful Stasis pulse rifle that has gained a bit of notoriety already in the PVP crowd. It can also work fine in PVE modes, for those who are looking for something different for their Stasis builds or just want a new go-to Kinetic primary weapon to play around with.

Disparity's perk pool is impressive. The first column comes with community favorites like Moving Target, Eye of the Storm, Outlaw, and Heating Up. In the second column, Headseeker, Headstone, and Swashbuckler stand out among other perks.

What really makes Disparity interesting, however, is the Origin Trait that can be switched from Ambush to Hakke Breach Armaments. This Origin Trait was recently buffed to work wonderfully against barricades, turrets, and Stasis crystals, which are all rampant in PVP, hence why many have chosen Disparity as their go-to weapon of choice.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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