
  • Cayde's reunion with Crow in the "Into the Pale Heart" cinematic is a must-see moment for Destiny 2 fans, with his weapon being just one of the neat details in the cutscene.
  • The new design of Cayde's Ace of Spades in the cinematic could potentially be offered as an ornament in the upcoming Final Shape expansion.
  • Destiny 2 could even start a trend of offering ornaments for various weapons based on Cayde's Ace of Spades design.

To close out the final season of Destiny 2, Season of the Wish, Bungie released the "Into the Pale Heart" cinematic featuring one of the moments fans have been waiting for: Cayde's reunion with the one who killed him, Crow, formerly Prince Uldren. In the cinematic, Crow is seen entering the Pale Heart of the Traveler via the portal created by the Witness, only to be ambushed by Cayde-6. Cayde continuously fires his weapon at Crow, as the former prince attempts to evade every attack. Once Crow realizes the one firing at him is Cayde, he stops dead in his tracks long enough for Cayde to knock his weapon out of his hand. Cayde then aims his Ace of Spades down at Crow, with Crow responding in kind, until Cayde finally helps Crow off the ground and makes a joke about not calling him "Prince" anymore.

Despite how exciting this cinematic is for fans of Destiny 2 and how it sets up both Cayde and Crow for their journey into the Pale Heart, there is one other breakout star in the scene aside from Cayde that should arguably be a reward of some sort in the game's upcoming Final Shape expansion. Now that The Final Shape is just around the corner, it's the perfect time to consider what new items players can obtain as they conquer the expansion's story, and a perfect candidate receives plenty of love in the "Into the Pale Heart" cinematic.

Destiny 2 Is Missing an Obvious Opportunity to Keep Patrol Zones Fresh

Destiny 2's patrol zones haven't improved much in the last several years, but it may already have the key ingredient to keeping them fresh.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape Should Make Cayde's Ace of Spades Ornament a Reward

Cayde's Ace of Spades Ornament Should Be a Final Shape Reward

While it's certainly nice to see Cayde returning to Destiny 2 after many years, one of the standout features of the "Into the Pale Heart" cinematic is undoubtedly the former Hunter Vanguard's Ace of Spades. However, the Ace looks quite different, as it is now filled with haphazard cracks letting light through. Interestingly enough, the new design for Cayde's Ace bears a striking resemblance to the Solstice armor from Destiny 2's eleventh season, Season of Arrivals, but it's unclear whether that means anything from a lore standpoint. Cayde was killed in Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion and Season of Arrivals was the fourth and final season of the game's Shadowkeep expansion, so there's likely no connection. Still, it's interesting that Bungie chose to go in this direction with the famous weapon's design.

After seeing the new design for Cayde's Ace of Spades in the "Into the Pale Heart" cinematic, it's clear that it should be offered as an ornament for the exotic hand cannon in The Final Shape. Whether it be obtained by completing a series of quests for Cayde-6 or simply made available in the Eververse store, there is little reason why it wouldn't be offered in some way, especially after showing it off so blatantly in the cinematic — and Destiny 2 shouldn't stop there.

Cayde's Ace of Spades Ornament Could Start a Trend

Destiny 2 has been on a high lately when it comes to cosmetic items and weapon appearances in the game, especially after making shiny versions of its BRAVE arsenal weapons. In the same way that players have been able to obtain shiny BRAVE arsenal weapons, perhaps Cayde's Ace of Spades design could start yet another trend for the game by making ornaments like it available for numerous weapons. It would be a great way to fill in the gap left by the shiny weapons once the opportunity to acquire them departs the game when The Final Shape arrives.

It's clear that Bungie wanted to show off Cayde's new Ace of Spades in the cinematic, judging by its many close-ups, so it's possible the developer already has plans to offer the new design as an ornament for the weapon in The Final Shape. However, if it doesn't already have plans like this, it's at least worth considering.