Destiny 2's storylines are often told through the game's seasons and expansions, but all of the stories make much more sense once players read the lore behind the characters involved, the locations, even the enemies. In-game missions and activities tell micro-stories in a rather vast macro-cosmos, which stretches far beyond the Traveler's Light and the Pyramids' Darkness, or the Gardener and the Winnower.

Destiny 2's Year 4 was one of its best partly because seasonal narratives were very compelling on their own, but they also told an underlying story of illusions and deception. The Beyond Light era did a great job at building up Savathun as one of the most powerful and cunning characters in the whole Destiny 2 universe, and in Season of the Lost, players discovered that she had been posing as the legendary Warlock, Osiris, for almost an entire year. Prior to being imprisoned by Savathun, Osiris lost his Light following the death of his Ghost Sagira, and his lover and partner, Saint-14, tried to help him through a hard time without knowing it was actually the Witch Queen pulling the strings of a fake body that only looked and sounded like the Warlock's.

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Destiny 2: The Story of Saint-14 and Osiris

Osiris & Saint-14 destiny

The story of Saint-14 and Osiris is a complicated one, and Destiny 2 players only first met the latter on Mercury in the Curse of Osiris expansion, while also running into the grave of Saint in the Infinite Forest. Many things changed since then, and in Season of Dawn, Osiris instructed Guardians to use the Sundial to bring his lover back from the dead, creating a perfect paradox due to his death being necessary and final, but also one that was prevented by messing with timelines. Saint-14's death occurred in the Infinite Forest after his father figure, the Speaker, asked him to go there and stop Osiris from angering the Vex, which the Titan immediately did even though he had just finished the war with the Fallen's House of Devils.

This is further detailed in a lore entry called Legend: Saint-14, and while it's never explicitly stated, it's very likely that the Speaker chose his so-called son for the mission because he was the one who knew Osiris the most and could reason with him. The two never met, however, if not only after Osiris managed to resurrect him, but things changed again after the events on the Moon with the Hive and Xivu Arath's High Celebrant. The Titan and the Warlock formed a great power couple before Osiris lost his Light with Sagira's sacrifice, and when Savathun started impersonating him, Saint thought Osiris was just being distant and cold after the trauma.

Still, after being apart for so long, and often leading each their own missions on distant shores from Earth's Last City, Saint-14 simply wanted to comfort his partner and find reassurance for both of them in their now estranged relationship. In the lore entry from the In Memoriam Ghost Shell from Destiny 2's Trials of Osiris, which was released during Season of the Chosen, Saint-14 is depicted as his cheerful self while handling the Crucible, but he feels uneasy when facing Osiris in the Tower's Hangar. Osiris is absorbed by his thoughts and is immensely distant when confronting his lover, which again, happens at a time when the Warlock isn't himself and Savathun is not interested in human relationships as much, particularly not that with Saint-14.

Saint-14 wanted Osiris to take over Trials again after his return, but the Warlock's gelid reply to just cancel it if needed is a testament to the state of their relationship at that time. The Titan feels like one of Osiris' experiments, much like the Trials themselves, the distance between the two grows even larger after Saint-14 expresses his feelings. While Destiny2's Season of the Lost revealed that the real Osiris was last seen on the Moon and that all that happened between him and Saint-14 in the meantime was not real, and while the Titan has been tirelessly looking for his partner ever since, the events that both of them went through are likely to still have left deep scars.

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Destiny 2: Osiris and Saint's Relationship Moving Forward

A colorful image of Guardians in Destiny 2 wearing Season of the Lost armor on the right and a fireteam of three wading through the swamp of Savathun's throne world in the Witch Queen expansion with her silhouette in the mossy water.

In the premise of Season of the Lost, Savathun revealed herself and admitted to keeping Osiris as a prisoner, but alive, somewhere undisclosed, and that she would return him to the Last City if players helped her get rid of her Worm. If Savathun indeed upholds her promise in the epilogue of Season of the Lost, it's very likely that the real Osiris will be barely holding on, still Lightless due to Sagira's sacrifice, and he will have also endured imprisonment for over a year. On the other hand, Saint has been lied to and pushed away by Osiris - although it was actually someone who wasn't his real lover - and this can have its consequences in their relationship moving forward.

It's likely that both Osiris and Saint-14 will have to deal with their own trauma before truly being able to be with one another, but it's also very plausible that the two will be more than happy to finally be reunited after all this time. A Destiny 2 lore entry named Dread Not is where Osiris' encounter with Xivu Arath's High Celebrant happens, and when the Warlock is about to die - before Sagira eventually sacrifices herself - he thinks about all the possible lives he could have lived, only to find happiness in one of them: with Saint. This speaks volumes about how much they care for each other and how important they are to the other, and that's probably all it takes for them to heal in time.

If Osiris is indeed alive and he is reunited with Saint before or during the events of The Witch Queen, the couple will probably endure hard times but still emerge victorious. Overall, love is not necessarily something that is woven so deeply in Destiny 2's universe and its stories, which is why Osiris and Saint's shared story was never in the spotlight before this year. And yet, now that it is, many fans want the couple - dubbed as "space uncles" - to enjoy some deserved happiness together. If Osiris is actually dead, things are going to be very different, but here's to hoping that Saint will not have to go through something like it and that Sagira's death is not in vain.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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