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Even after killing Nezarec for the first time in the Root of Nightmares raid, there are plenty of reasons for Destiny 2 players to come back week after week. Whether it is for yet another attempt at getting Conditional Finality, or trying to get a better roll on one of the other weapons, the loot is an incentive for players to answer Nezarec's call time and again.

Some players will be looking to get weapons with Deepsight Resonance (AKA red border weapons), as obtaining five of them will allow Destiny 2 players to craft their own version of raid weapons. Since RNG (random number generation) makes it difficult to get red border weapons, here is how players can find and loot a special chest that contains a guaranteed red border weapon.

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How to Unlock the Red Border Chest


Unlike the hidden chests scattered throughout Root of Nightmares, the chest that contains a guaranteed red border weapon needs to be spawned by players through solving a puzzle, just like in King's Fall. The difference here is that the puzzle is much more simple than it was in King's Fall. Near the start of the raid, well before the first encounter, there is a wall on the left near a blooming cluster of flowers.

In this area, there will be three nodes on the wall. They will either be light or dark. Pay attention to the order starting from the left to the right. Throughout the raid, there will be hidden areas with nodes. The goal for this puzzle is to activate all three nodes. The nodes that are required to spawn the red border chest will vary, so players may not see the same order as depicted in the image above.


The first node can be found just before the first encounter. Before going outside the temple and up the white ramp that leads to the first encounter, look to the right and drop down. Hidden against the wall is a small hallway and a set of stairs that go down into a dark area. The first node is here. If players activate the right node, a message will appear in the lower left-hand corner of the screen that says: "Your actions take root...".

The second node can be found during the "Cross the Chasm" puzzle between the second and third encounter of the raid. Halfway through this puzzle section, there will be a floating temple area off of the beaten path. Jump to it and go inside to find the second node.

The third and final node can be found in the area just before the final encounter with Nezarec. While going up the white platforms, look down to spot a platform that is a purple color. Jump down and go to the right. Carefully jump across the floating debris and then look up toward the ceiling to see a hidden room where the last node is. If players have activated all three nodes, a message will appear that says: "A great harvest awaits...".

Where to Find the Red Border Chest


Once the puzzle is solved, the last step that stands between Destiny 2 players and the red border chest is Nezarec. Players simply have to kill him and go up toward where his scythe drops. To the left of the scythe, a chest will appear. This chest will open and players will get a random (but guaranteed) red border weapon from the raid loot table.

Destiny 2 is available now on Epic Games Store, PS4, PS5, Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.