
  • Titles in Destiny 2 require time, teamwork, and sheer dedication; not every Guardian will earn these prestigious accolades.
  • Raids like Salvation's Edge push Guardians to their limits, demanding perfect communication and teamwork for success.
  • Some titles, like Chronicler, are now vaulted, leaving lore enthusiasts without the chance to prove their dedication.

There is nothing quite like showing off a brand-new title in Destiny 2 to other players in the Tower, basking in accomplishment and challenge. There have been many titles over the years that have provided players with a sense of challenge and teamwork in order to boast a title that proves that they are one of the best Guardians in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2: Every Title Ranked From Easiest To Hardest To Earn

These titles are earned after completing a series of triumphs that are either time-consuming or incredibly difficult for the average player.

Some truly iconic titles are only seen by a select few Guardians. Whether it’s due to the difficulty of the content, or simply because it’s part of the legacy collection that has been sunset, there are dozens of amazing titles in Destiny 2 that some players might not have seen, or yearn for.

8 Iconoclast

All 22 Triumphs For Salvation’s Edge

Iconoclast title

It might not be the fairest thing in the world to add Iconoclast, considering the Grandmaster Salvation’s Edge raid does not release until June 25. However, it’s already a safe bet that many players are not going to get their hands on this. Raids are notoriously hard and require teamwork between 6 Guardians, and Salvation’s Edge perhaps requires the most amount of communication and teamwork to get through some complex encounters.

With this Raid Title, Iconoclast will require plenty of encounters completed with sheer compliance from a Fireteam, as well as a completion of the challenge versions of these encounters on Grandmaster. It’s going to be a tough battle, and Iconoclast has the potential to be the rarest title of them all.

7 Blacksmith

All 17 Triumphs For Black Armory And Scourge Of The Past

blacksmith title

The Blacksmith title was fairly simple, as players could get most of the triumphs simply by playing the Black Armory activity, which in itself wasn’t too hard, and was also fairly fun. However, this is another game mode that has been sunset, as well as the Scourge of the Past raid, which was also required for the title.

Quite simply, many of the players who are around today just were not around or interested in claiming all the triumphs required from the Black Armory activity. During the Black Armory event, Destiny 2 was in a strange spot where it didn’t know if it wanted to rely on expansions or live-service dynamics like seasonal content.

6 Reckoner

All 13 Triumphs In Gambit Prime During Season Of The Drifter

reckoner title

Gambit was an experimental game mode that has not received as much love as some may feel it deserves. As a PvPvE game mode, Gambit sought to turn Guardians against each other, and Season of the Drifter’s Gambit Prime had players scrambling in an attempt to grab the Reckoner title. Season of the Drifter had plenty of activities and chances for players to earn this title, but Gambit as a whole is something that doesn’t exactly excite players.

Destiny 2: All Seasons In Chronological Order

Every season in Destiny 2 offers players new content in terms of the ongoing story, as well as experimental modes that create new fun.

The competitive element to it, paired with the race-like format of killing enemies just to have progress halted or reversed from PvP invaders, made many PvE players feel discouraged to try it, thus leaving this now Legacy title far behind for those who did not dare Gambit Prime.

5 Wrathbearer

All 10 Triumphs For Warlord’s Ruin

wrathbearer title

Dungeons are not an easy task for 3 Guardians, let alone one. If players want to earn the Wrathbearer title, they will need to brave the Warlord’s Ruin dungeon as a solo player. Sure, it doesn’t require a solo flawless completion, but the bosses have plenty of health, and the ads can be extremely overwhelming, leading to plenty of death that awaits players in each of the three boss encounters.

Wrathbearer also has plenty of collectibles, so some players might not have the care to go in and 100% everything necessary for Warlord’s Ruin. It’s a great dungeon, but easily one of the hardest, so that might turn some solo players away from trying the experience without a Fireteam.

4 Ghoul

All 10 Triumphs For Ghosts Of The Deep

ghoul title

Another difficult dungeon that will challenge the hardest players, Ghosts of the Deep has many collectibles that must be located for the triumph. Not only that, but players will have to complete each encounter multiple times with the same classes and subclasses, as well as whilst being a solo player, and the 2 bosses of Ghosts of the Deep are no pushovers.

Ghosts of the Deep has notoriously strong bosses with plenty of health pools, so if players haven’t received the Ghoul title when the Titan’s hammers were at their peak, or during the Craftening event, then it’s going to be a hard fight to get it now.

3 Godslayer

All 10 Triumphs For The Pantheon

godslayer title

A since Sunset activity, The Pantheon was for the Into The Light event, where players could team up as groups of 6 for a raid boss rush mode. In this mode, players would fight iconic and infamous raid bosses, one after the other, with a few tweaks and changes to add further challenge, as well as Power Level disadvantages.

Destiny 2: Exotics From Destiny 1 That Should Return

Destiny (2014) features plenty of exciting and unique Exotics that have yet to return to the powerful hands of Guardians in Destiny 2.

Godslayer wasn’t easy to get, and only the true PvE endgame players have managed to get them. However, even if players are brave enough to try it, they are too late, as The Pantheon has been removed from the game upon the release of The Final Shape. Hopefully one day it will return.

2 Flawless

All 5 Triumphs For The Trials Of Osiris

flawless title

Whilst some players might not be intimidated by the 5 Triumph requirement for Flawless, others might look to Trials of Osiris and run for the hills. PvP isn’t a favorite of most PvE players. The fact that Trials of Osiris is an exclusive event with 3-Guardian teams that work against each other to claim victory and go Flawless without losing a single match, may turn some players away from it.

PvP players are bound to acquire a Flawless title, but for those who don’t enjoy the competitive edge of each class working against each other, fighting tooth and nail to claim victory and reach the Lighthouse, this is going to be a title that will remain out of reach.

1 Chronicler

All 10 Triumphs For Collecting Lore Books Pre-Beyond Light

chronicler title

The Chronicler title showcases respect for true fans of Destiny 2 lore, as it will require players to go across the Sol System and collect every lore entry from a multitude of lore books. However, this title has since been vaulted, meaning those who want to champion themselves not as a PvP player or even a raid expert, but as a chronicler of Destiny 2’s lore, will have to miss out on this one.

In order to obtain the title, players need to claim every single lore book prior to the release of Beyond Light. There are plenty of lore books scattered around the solar system, so this was a true test of collectathon strength, and for those who enjoy a good bit of reading.

destiny 2 cover
Destiny 2

August 28, 2017