Once Destiny 2 players have completed the Cube encounter of Prophecy, they will be more than halfway through the dungeon. All that remains is to follow Kell Echo toward another building in the wastelands. This leads to the famous ribbon road sparrow section of Prophecy. At the end of this section, players will find themselves in an arena.

This is where players will fight the large Taken Captain that has been appearing throughout the dungeon. While Kell Echo is more forgiving of a fight than Phalanx Echo, it has significantly more health and will definitely take longer to beat. Here is what Destiny 2 players need to know in order to beat Kell Echo.

RELATED: Destiny 2: Prophecy - How to Beat Phalanx Echo

How to Beat Kell Echo


When it comes to load out, there is a great deal of flexibility with what players can use against Kell Echo. Having a heavy that is good for boss damage will work wonders here, especially if it is a long range weapon. Liner Fusion Rifles like Taipan and Cataclysmic work great. If players are confident they can land headshots, Cloudstrike works great in this encounter as well. Having one player with Witherhoard equipped will be useful as well. Aside from damage, add clear with some range will help during the damage phase.

Once the encounter begins, three copies of Kell Echo will appear in each corner of the room. In front of these clones is a pillar of energy similar to the ones encountered throughout Prophecy. Before doing anything else, check what color each pillar is and call it out to other players (if not solo). Just like before, stand in either light or shadow while killing Taken Knights. Collect the motes and then dunk them into the pillars.

At the start of the encounter, and in between damage phases, it is recommended that players move quickly to dunk motes. All three Kell Echos will be attacking players. The amount of firepower between the boss and all the adds can easily overwhelm players if they are too slow.

Once the correct color of motes is dunked into the pillar, that Kell Echo will disappear. Immediately after, be ready to deal with a Taken Ogre that spawns right where the Kell Echo was previously standing. A Fusion Rifle can easily stagger the ogre, making it fairly easy for one player to quickly kill it before it can cause any damage. This will happen at each pillar. Once all Kell Echos have disappeared, the damage phase is ready to be triggered.

Before moving on to the damage phase, it is a good idea to do a quick sweep for any special or heavy ammo that may have been dropped.

In order to begin the damage phase, players will need to stand on top of the platform in the middle of the arena. Once all players are standing there, they will be transported to another area. In this new room, the boss will shoot at them while gradually moving further back into the room. The moment players arrive, they should begin damage immediately.

While shooting the boss, be sure to take out the Taken Hobgoblins to avoid getting killed by them. In addition to the boss's normal attack, it will also throw a large blight attack to the left, center, or right side of the room. If players are hit by this, they will get teleported back to where they started in this room.

It is important to know that players cannot be too far away from the boss at any given time. Kell Echo has an aura around it and if players are not standing in this large field they will begin to take stacks of a debuff called Dark Entropy. If Dark Entropy reaches ten stacks on a player, they will immediately die. So while players are damaging the boss, they will need to be mindful of how many stacks of Dark Entropy they have while also dodging Kell Echo's attacks and dealing with the Taken Hobgoblins.

If players are nearby the Kell Echo, their stacks of Dark Entropy will gradually decrease.

The damage phase ends once the boss reaches the platform at the end of the room. A few seconds later, it will teleport away and players will have to dunk motes to trigger another damage phase. Keep doing damage phases until the boss is dead. Soon after, players will be teleported away and receive a chest full of loot from the Nine.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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