
  • Destiny 2's Prismatic subclasses add a new twist with Light and Darkness, overshadowing new Light subclasses.
  • Fans may find the new Light subclasses less impressive compared to the build customization offered by Prismatic.
  • Prismatic's wide range of combinations makes it a top choice, potentially rendering new Light subclasses less impactful.

In what can arguably be one of the most unexpected and shocking moves on Bungie's part, Destiny 2's developer has shared a livestream and commentary about new additions coming with The Final Shape, and that includes a new subclass and enemy faction. In the series' history, there were only two other times when Bungie added a whole new enemy faction, and those were with The Taken King and Forsaken, now breaking a 6-year streak with The Final Shape and the Dread. Perhaps the biggest piece of news, however, is that Destiny 2 is adding Prismatic subclasses that combine Light and Darkness, and while this is game-chaning on many levels, it may spell bad news for The Final Shape's new Light subclasses.

In fact, in the last The Final Shape livestream developer commentary, Bungie shared gameplay videos of three new Light subclasses - Solar Warlocks, Void Titans, and Arc Hunters. Each of these new subclasses got its own Super as well as signature Aspects to shake up gameplay, and while most of what was shown was exciting, it all pales in comparison to what Prismatic subclasses in Destiny 2's The Final Shape can offer. This can be a big issue for the new Light subclasses, which may not a have much of a use case with Prismatic existing alongside them.

Old Destiny 3 Leak Legitimized By New Subclass

A Destiny 3 leak from February seems to have been legitimate after recent news proves at least some of its information was spot on.

How Destiny 2's Prismatic Subclasses Are Stealing Light's Thunder

Destiny 2's Prismatic Has More to Offer Than The Final Shape's New Light Subclasses

One of the biggest twists in recent Destiny 2 years, many fans didn't really expect a new elemental subclass in The Final Shape after the three Light subclasses were shown, and even then, the fact that it would be a subclass mixing all existing subclasses and elements wasn't exactly predictable either. Destiny 2 and the series as a whole are known to deliver the most when it's needed, and after Lightfall and recent controversies, Bungie needed a win. However, Prismatic subclasses may not be a full win in the context they're being added to.

The new Light subclasses and Supers releasing with The Final Shape were seen by some fans as "not enough" in the grand scheme of Destiny 2, where expansions typically launch with bigger features, although they were in line with what both The Taken King and Forsaken did. And yet, Prismatic subclasses are about to steal their thunder tenfold, as they are pretty much a buildcrafter's dream in the way they allow Guardians to mix and match elements, abilities, and even Exotics. What follows is that there's not much room for the new Light subclasses right on release.

Destiny 2's Prismatic Subclass is Power-Creeping Light Subclasses Out of The Equation

Destiny 2's New Light Supers and Subclasses May Just Be Puzzle Pieces

The big problem is that Prismatic is pretty much all Light and Darkness subclasses in one, and with nearly endless combinations between abilities, Fragments, Aspects, Exotics, and weapons, it seems like the best pick for any kind of content. There will most likely be some scenarios where choosing a given subclass over Prismatic is better, especially if Prismatic's abilities in Destiny 2 are limited rather than an actual fusion. The truth is Prismatic has too much to offer and, so far, the drawbacks seem minimal or not hindering enough to warrant different choices.

As such, the new Light subclasses in Destiny 2's The Final Shape may mostly see play when Guardians mix and match their parts when using Prismatic subclasses, rather than the original. This makes them essentially dead on arrival, especially if Prismatic is unlocked during The Final Shape's campaign, which seems very likely based on the gameplay happening inside the Pale Heart of The Traveler. These new tools and Supers will still be useful for all three classes, but they may not be the focal point of the expansion anymore when it comes to buildcrafting.