When Presage first came out in Destiny 2 back in 2021 it raised a lot of eyebrows. Not only was it a complete surprise, but it provided a small dose of horror in Destiny 2 with its creepy setting that feels like something taken right out of Dead Space. As if the Scorn weren't terrifying enough, it was unsettling to hear the Locus of Communion speak in the voice of characters who were dead. Completing this mission was how players originally got Dead Man's Tale.

When Presage was removed with the launch of Witch Queen, many players (new ones especially) lost the chance to play this incredible mission. Fortunately, Bungie decided to bring Presage back as a rotating Exotic Mission. While this mission is a lot of fun with other players, doing it solo is also a rewarding experience. Here are some helpful tips for certain parts of Presage along with how to prepare for it.

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How to Prepare For Presage


Presage has been somewhat declawed since it made its return to Destiny 2. Originally players were always 10 Power below the activity on Normal Mode. While players will have to worry about being fixed at 1815 Power in the Legend version, that will not be the case for Normal. As a result, Presage is much easier than when it was first released.

That said, players will still want to come prepared. For the most part, add clear weapons are paramount as there will be no small amount of enemies throughout the activity. Subclass doesn't really matter as much on normal difficulty, but Strand works pretty good. Once players reach the Locus of Communion at the end, they will want to make sure that they have some sort of decent long-range DPS weapon as well.

The Trash-Compactor


The Trash Compactor is the first "encounter" of Presage, where players will be tasked with destroying three fuses to stop the trash compactor from killing everyone inside. To add to this difficulty, Screeb will spawn in the center of the room, making for a truly chaotic encounter. If players have a way to stay high in the air, that may be the best bet for identifying the fuse locations. Otherwise, players will want to try to use the Screeb to their advantage, detonating them to uncover fuse grates.

Large AoE weapons like Rockets and Grenade Launchers will make short-work of the packs of Screeb. Nightstalker Hunters will likely want to drop a tether right in the center of the room to keep the Screeb from advancing too far. The encounter itself is brief and is not a respawn-restricted area. Players either get the fuses quickly, or they die, but as long as players go aggressive against the Screeb (outside of blast radius) the encounter itself should be pretty easy. Once all three fuses have been destroyed, look for the grate with the four red lights around it. This is the way out of the trash-compactor.

Mid-Level Fight: The Hanger


For this encounter, players are tasked with clearing the enemies out of the Glykon's hanger. The main targets are two large Abominations, as enemies will continue to spawn until these two are dead. There are a lot of Scorn in this encounter, so players will want to keep moving. This encounter can be easily beaten with a good add clear build. Weapons like Osteo Striga and Thorn work wonders here, especially for Warlocks that have Necrotic Grips equipped as well. A good heavy machine gun can make short work of the Chieftains and the Abominations.

Make sure to clear out the Chieftains first, then clean up any straggler adds, and then finally focus on the Abominations. They never go immune, so players can burn them down, but be warned that adds will continue to spawn as the Abominations take damage, so it's best to either fully commit and delete the Abominations, or do it in waves. Even after the Abominations are killed, players will still need to kill any remaining enemies before the encounter is complete, so keep that in mind. This encounter is all about managing the waves of adds while dealing with the Abominations, so players should be mindful of their surroundings.

Final Fight: The Locus of Communion

Destiny 2 Presage Locus of Communion (1)

The Locus of Communion is a hard-hitting, beefed up version of a boss that was once in the Destiny 2: Forsaken campaign before its removal. For this fight, players will want to make sure to equip a good long-range DPS weapon. Izanagi's Burden works wonders here but Cloudstrike or Xenophage are also great options. Make sure to have some form of add clear for the smaller enemies as well.

The boss has a few attacks that players will need to worry about. He wields his flaming weapon and will charge at the player to either slam them with a fiery overhead attack that sends flames shooting across the ground, or swipe them with his weapon to fling them into walls. It's very easy to be nearly one shot by this boss, so positioning is crucial. The boss will start in the main room, and players will have to damage him enough to send him below into the heated chamber. It's best to deal as much damage as quick as possible, as being in enclosed quarters with the Locus is a dangerous game.

Before players can follow the boss into the chamber below, they will need to activate the three switches on the top floor. Once all three switches have been activated, players can safely go down to the lower level. Look for where the Locus of Communion is and make sure to be as far away from him as possible. Even on Normal difficulty, he does a great deal of damage. The best strategy for a solo player is to use a long-range DPS weapon until the boss gets too close for comfort.

At this point, players should jump back up to the top floor. The boss will not chase them. Run to the other entrance to the bottom floor and drop down. The boss doesn't immediately run towards players, which gives them an opportunity to resume DPS. Once heat returns to the bottom floor, immediately go back up and deal with the adds that spawn up top. Activate the switches once again and continue damaging the Locus of Communion. Repeat this process until the boss dies. Upon entering the bridge, players will gain the ability to craft Deadman's Tale. Additional completions will allow them to have a more powerful version of the intrinsic perk.

Tips for Legend Mode Presage


For players who want more of a challenge, they will need to brave Presage on Legend Difficulty. The maximum effective power for this difficulty is 1815 and all enemies will be at 1830. On top of that, players will have to deal with the following modifiers:

  • Locked Loadout
  • More Shields
  • Melee damage from opponents is increased
  • Players take 25% more damage
  • Scout Rifles do 25% more damage
  • Strand damage output is increased by 25%
  • Arc damage output is increased by 25%

Originally, there was also a 25-minute timer for the harder version of Presage. That is no longer the case, but the modifiers do make it significantly more difficult. Since Loadouts are locked, players will not be able to switch weapons between encounters. As such, they will need to prepare accordingly and have a build that allows for both good add clear and strong DPS when it is time to fight the Locus of Communion.

Since there is no longer a timer, players can be more cautious. Even the slightest mistake can result in death, so players will want to avoid doing anything reckless and make sure to keep adds under control while also avoiding getting hit by hard hitters like the Locus of Communion.

Completing the Presage mission solo does not reward anything extra, though this is how players can get catalyst upgrades. If players just want to focus on upgrading the intrinsic trait of Dead Man's Tale, they can just run the normal mode four times. Other than the catalyst upgrades, doing Presage on Legend difficulty is just for bragging rights. There is no emblem like there was when this Exotic Mission was first released, unfortunately.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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