Destiny 2's 30th Anniversary Pack was released just two weeks ago, and it already has been regarded as a big game-changer for Bungie's looter shooter in many ways. For starters, the DLC features a great 6-player activity that not only comes with a compelling gameplay loop, but also provides a lot of powerful loot in the form of weapons inspired by Bungie's past work. The Grap of Avarice Dungeon is also a very well-delivered piece of content for Destiny 2, and it comes with Artifice Armor from Master mode, which provides players with an extra slot for artifact mods only.

Among the various new swords that the 30th Anniversary Pack brought to the game, players are especially excited about a perk called Eager Edge, which can roll on both Half-Truths and The Other Half. This perk is the reason sword skating is back in Destiny 2, and while some players are upset that it didn't come to Worldline Zero - one of the best swords to use for rapid movements in the game - Eager Edge is quite a big addition.

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A Reddit user by the name of ProfessorLankto shared a clip of them playing through The Corrupted Strike on their Hunter, using a combination of Shatterdive and Eager Edge. The way this works is by swapping weapons to any sword with Eager Edge and using a heavy attack, and at the same time, jumping and hitting Shatterdive, which provides the already boosted lunge from the sword extra thrust coming from the ability. The result is that the Hunter is capable of traversing immense distances with a single swing, which allowed ProfessorLankto to get to The Corrupted boss in just two jumps.

Because all that speed can easily kill a Guardian, players may have to "hit the brakes" if they need to, and that can be done by swinging the sword once again. Still, the combo is not very easy to accomplish for Destiny 2 veterans, let alone newcomers, and it does involve a long while of practicing it. Some players have even been sword skating in the Grasp of Avarice Dungeon to complete the Sparrow section, but without a Sparrow.

Speaking of which, Destiny 2's new Dungeon boss can be killed with one melee hit if players combine several buffs to do that while using a middle tree Sunbreaker Titan with Tractor Cannon and a One-Two Punch shotgun. Still, the fact that sword skating is back and that Hunters can take it to another level can be relevant in terms of gameplay moving forward.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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